The necromancer, master of the dark arts, the original loot frame - Nekros!

Passive: Nekros and his Companions regenerates 5 Health when an enemy dies within 10 meters of him.
Soul Punch - A blow so powerful, it turns the enemy’s very soul into a deadly projectile, damaging all in its path.
Terrify - Casts fear into the hearts of nearby enemies, causing them to run away in terror.
Desecrate - Forces fallen enemies around you to drop additional loot.
Shadows of the Dead - Summons shadow versions of vanquished enemies to fight alongside you for a short period of time.

Acquisition: Main blueprint can be purchased from the Market. Component blueprints can be obtained from defeating Lephantis on Magnacidium, Deimos.

    9 days ago

    He’s good, just not exciting.

    I think his most interesting trait is that Summoner’s Wrath is considered faction multiplier, so with the oldschool Theorem setup his minions can set some extremely spicy dots. Having an army of Eximus is also very useful.

    Creeping Terrify is pretty good if you’re fighting an armour faction, such as Scaldra, which is a looooong farm for Spectral Serration and one of the magnetic mods. Like Trinity and Protea he has near limitless reserves of energy due to Desecrate spawning health orbs, so he can run extremely aggressive power strength builds. In case you want more parkour from Infested Mobility :^)

    Soul Survivor is interesting after the buffs, being an instant ranged revive, definitely nothing to scoff at on death penalty type missions like EDA, Netras and Archons.

    Shield of Shadows is very powerful when paired with Overguard generation, such as a friendly Dante or Secondary Fortifier, as SoS redirects damage before it gets applied to OG, giving him extremely durable OG.

    I’m still waiting to roll him in Circuit to see how hard he scales with Summoner’s Wrath in extremely high-level content.

    If I have to take a loot frame to help my clan with resources, it’s Nekros every time.

      6 days ago

      I wasn’t aware of the damage redirection priority before Overguard… My Nekros was relegated to Argon and Arbitration farming for the last few years, but sounds like I’ll have to experiment with more modern setups.

        6 days ago

        Property is shared with Trinity, Nezha and Yareli too, so they’re all super tanky. Yareli with a Fortifier Akarius is kind of hilariously braindead. According to the wiki, Nidus benefits as well.

        One thing I realised, because of how complete Nekros’s kit is, he has a lot of room to mess around with different helminths. I’ve been having fun with Thermal Transfer, although sadly it doesn’t apply to summons.