Because things will get better.
Life ist the only dramedy about you you’ll ever have, so might as well experience that and with a little bit of Yolo attitude!
Taking action takes effort.
Life is the only thing a human is guaranteed to have - and, as far as I’m concerned, we only get it once. To finish it early seems a terrible waste. It’s the only thing we’ll ever get to do. Might as well give it a bit of a go… it’s not like it goes on for ever, anyway.
Because I want to outlive my enemies.
That next great show is only like 5 years away
Good things can’t happen anymore. You might also say that bad things can’t happen either, but if it’s over then there’s no opportunity at all. Life can change as long as it’s there.
Who is going to change the smoke alarm battery?
A lot of life is about perspective. I have a checklist, of things that make life worth it for me. They’re gonna vary from person to person, obviously, but when I get super depressed, I go through my checklist in my head. I have cats that depend on me and I value their wellbeing. I have relationships with people I care about and want to see. (and kids I want to see grow up) There’s still things I want to learn, places I want to see, and things I want to do. Small things, too, like wanting to see the end of a show or enjoy a favorite food. Life has it’s hardships, but it also has a lot of things we get to enjoy - and I want to be strong enough to live through the hardships to enjoy the good things. Idk man it all probably sounds kind of cheesy, but watching the sunset brings me a lot of joy. Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be worth living.
The MOMENT you do, inevitably the world will start getting better.
I would advocate for tuning out of reality over suicide. Move to the middle of nowhere, cut off internet, spend your days chilling and farming. You always have the option of reinterpretation after stuff improves.
I get to pet dog
You can’t piss off the haters if you’re dead.
I think Albert Camus’ Myth of Sisyphus addresses this somehow.
Id rather die for something bigger than me and my mental anguish if im gonna knowingly off myself.
Ive lived through too much shit to make the weakness of the day take me out.
But I’ll go when I wanna go too. But it’ll be me saying “my time here is done” not in pain but acceptance and peace. Not despair.
Can’t let that shit win.
Because you have a destiny and a purpose way beyond your current comprehension and it is so much bigger than whatever misery you are feeling at any point in life. You have to find what that destiny and purpose is, believe me, because otherwise it would only be a massive opportunity squandered. Let me explain - you are the universe itself, so incredibly lucky to be able to come alive, with an opportunity to experience and appreciate the universe itself, there is a much bigger connection you have to the stars and to all that has life. If you are true to yourself and chase what your heart desires and remove all the noise, you will find your purpose, also called self-actualization. Not to mention you are living in the most comfortable, connected, beautiful time any species including humans was ever afforded. On separate note, it is very understandable and valid if you feel like shit given the current affairs, but if you believe me, this had to happen, and this only means better times will be here sooner rather later.