TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israel said Sunday it is stopping the entry of all goods and supplies into the Gaza Strip and warned of “additional consequences” if Hamas does not accept a new proposal for an extension of the ceasefire.
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israel said Sunday it is stopping the entry of all goods and supplies into the Gaza Strip and warned of “additional consequences” if Hamas does not accept a new proposal for an extension of the ceasefire.
While it cracked down on protestors in the US? Yeah sure… Prove it’s nothing more than controlled opposition.
Biden did not crack down on protestors. Universities used their local campus police to crack down on protesters. There was no federal involvement.
Buddy, the cope is real.
If that isn’t tacit approval of the crackdowns I don’t know what is.
You said this.
You can’t move the goalpost to this:
Saying you aren’t going to change your position is not, “Biden cracked down on protestors.”
Sure, but doing so while saying that “order must prevail” and claiming that “people are getting attacked on campus” is definitely tacit approval of the crack down.
Tacit approval is still not “cracking down” on protestors. If he said he disapproved it wouldn’t have changed anything. It was his opinion. He didn’t use federal enforcement to implement his opinion one way or another.
Say what?
Are we forgetting his support for the bill to classify Anti-zionism as Antisemitism, in support of the crackdowns and arrest of pro-palestinian protestors?