I’m a Fedora 41 KDE Plasma 6 user, all components AMD. And I am a beginner, I got into Linux, thanks to my Steam Deck. Do you know a detailed walk-through? Or can anyone take some of their precious time and explain to me how to do it?
What is an “online-fix game”?
a site to sail the high seas iirc
Well if that’s the case the networking stack works just fine in whatever wine/proton prefix you have. You can run any programs you need to in that prefix and use it as normal.
online-fix is the site so online-fix game I imagine is a game downloaded from that site
Basically I think the question is how to run non-steam games on linux/using lutris.
You have found the right tool in lutris. You basically just use the plus button to either install your game or point to one that’s already on your drive. Watch a tutorial somewhere if questions remain. Also install proton-up to install the newest version of proton-ge easily. Most games will run with the newest proton-ge version.
If a game does not start, check first the right exe is used by lutris and the wine path needs to point to each games root folder. Sometimes Microsoft .net framework has to be installed for a game.
Thanks, I’ve already done all the above, I even tried directly with Steam trough lutris, set up the path to the exe, and registered the ID of spacewar(480) for the multi-player hack, it starts but it gets stuck at something, and never starts the game.
Ok, if it tries to mask as another game, maybe it’s best to start the game with a (fake) steam account. (Enable compatibility mode for proton for the game on steam).