Welcome again to everybody. Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is the weekly discussion thread.
☭ Matrix homeserver and space
☭ Theory reading group on hiatus, will move to Lemmygrad later this year
☭ Find theory on ProleWiki, marxists.org, Anna’s Archive, libgen
Talked about women’s day at work and one of my coworkers said ‘well no sex for you then this saturday’ which was just proper weird tbh
Honestly, if it was a temp job or shit warehouse job like I’ve worked a million times I’d just say “no worries, your wife is stopping over for lunch”. Either you’ll get into a fist-fight or they’ll respect you. Not saying that’s the correct thing to do.
If you’re above that kind of thing, no worries, I get it. Sometimes these dipshits just wanna see how you can toss it back.
I would just point out that that is an incredibly inappropriate area to comment on at work