Note: I just re-read it before posting and realized its long and Iā€™m putting it in the ā€œcasual conversationsā€ communityā€¦ I think Iā€™d still consider it casual because itā€™s just a story of day-to-day life and Iā€™m not particularly looking for advice or feedback, itā€™s just for fun.

Iā€™m bored and figured Iā€™d tell a kinda funny story that happened recently. As someone who used to enjoy all of the relationship/dating/drama/interpersonal stuff on that other site and doesnā€™t see much here, maybe itā€™s time to provide some of my own! This oneā€™s a mostly positive story.

A short version of the lead-up: Iā€™ve been dealing with the worst anxiety/ptsd so far in my life for the last year or so, and asked my psychiatrist if we can ā€œexperimentā€ with meds I havenā€™t tried yet to see if anything could help. This time around I was shocked when the first drug I tried was an enormous help! Iā€™ve been on at least 30 different psych meds before for this and that, but hadnā€™t focused my sights on anxiety before, and itā€™s always been a lot of trial and error before finding one that works.

My anxiety went from so all-consuming to seemingly non-existant I wondered if it had somehow turned off my ability to feel anxiety at all. Over the next month I realized that wasnā€™t the case; I was just much closer to normal levels of anxiety now and my tolerance for it was super high because of how bad it was before. Note for anyone who reads this: if you have anxiety, itā€™s worth double-checking with your doctor that youā€™ve tried everything; there may be a medication you havenā€™t tried that could have a huge impact.

All that is to say that recently Iā€™ve noticed how much clearer my mind is and how much more thought time I can give to anything other than worrying. Itā€™s amazing.

For context, Iā€™m 36M, sheā€™s 30F. One of the things I really was forced to put on the backburner since it had started less than a year ago was processing my evolving feelings for our relationship. It almost feels like Iā€™m back in the first couple of months of dating again; all the butterflies, constant amazement at how cute I think she is, stupid little insecurities, feeling lucky, etc started over while simultaneously already knowing her on a pretty intimate level. Definitely a weird experience, and Iā€™m sure itā€™s a little irritating at times to be at the ā€œcomfortableā€ stage of a relationship dating someone who basically just ā€œrestartedā€ their mind with respect to how they feel about being with you. Luckily, sheā€™s pretty patient. (btw, hi abe!)

Weā€™re both similar but not identical flavors of neurodivergent, and like many couples of any blend weā€™ve got our own set of communication issues. As Iā€™m in this state of being super-excited about her and us, and generally knowing that this is a great pairing, I asked a few times here and there if she confidently knows if she wants to marry me one day. Not actually proposing, but feeling out her thoughts on it to see where we are. I personally am more of an ā€œengaged after two years of datingā€ type.

I may not have phrased it that cautiously when I asked her originally. I can be a little intense when I get fixated on something and am a pretty impulsive talker. It probably doesnā€™t help that I have a tendency to ask ridiculous questions totally deadpan just to see her reaction and find out her thoughts, and I do that probably just as much if not more as I ask things seriously. So, as you might be predicting, unbeknownst to me I might have been cultivating some worries on her side that I wanted to get engaged and married ASAP.

We also have had some ridiculous circumstances in our relationship where weā€™ve thrown normal relationship expectations/timelines out the window and done crazy things like move in with each other on the second date (Iā€™m happy to post that story another time, its ridiculous but has actually worked out so far). Of course, when you do crazy things when youā€™ve just met someone but only because of the circumstances, they might not be super confident that you wouldnā€™t normally want to run things that way. My point is, Iā€™m pretty sure she got to the point that she thought if she said ā€œyesā€ I was going to book an appointment at the courthouse and weā€™d be changing our Facebook profiles to ā€œmarriedā€ by the end of the week.

Sheā€™s naturally pretty quiet and avoids conflict so she hadnā€™t brought it up. One night, as she was falling asleep I asked if she would marry me (trying to be funny about skipping the ā€œconfidently knows she wants to one dayā€ part) and see what answer Iā€™d get out of half-asleep her. She said yes, and so naturally I made a whole big deal about now being ā€œengagedā€ and how exciting that was (like I said, Iā€™m an impulsive talker; I never said I was particularly smart). No, I never considered us actually engaged (because I know youā€™re reading this).

The next day, I donā€™t remember how exactly we got to this point but we were talking about it and she told me what her hesitations about answering me were. I was pretty surprised to find out she thought I wanted to get married soon and it was causing a good amount of anxiety for her. I explained my real motivations to her: my biggest reason was because Iā€™ve been in a lot of relationships in my life and Iā€™ve never gotten a confident ā€œyeah, I definitely think weā€™ll get married someday provided nothing huge changes how I feelā€. I donā€™t actually care about the getting married part. We could get married the day before the first one of us dies for all I care. Itā€™s the validation and knowing someone thinks they want to spend the rest of their life with you that I was looking for. If instead she proposed to me right now Iā€™d still put off even planning the wedding for at least a year.

She felt a lot better and while I was frustrated I didnā€™t see that coming or the pressure I was accidentally creating, I was happy that I was able to pretty easily take away something that was making her anxious.

I finally got that ā€œyesā€ I was hoping for so Iā€™ve ordered the promise ring for our pre-engagement!

(sorry, I did mention I like to say absurd shit deadpan, didnā€™t I?)

    1 year ago

    Glad you found someone to share your life with. My wife and I have been married for 30 years. Prior to marriage, we lived together during college, had a long distance relationship after graduation due to jobs, moved back together and bought a house.

    One night, during a girls night out, they were chatting about our relationship. One of her friends drunkenly told her to shit or get off the pot. So she did a little thinking and one night, while we were watching tv, she turned to me and said, ā€œLetā€™s get marriedā€œ.

    I thought about it for five seconds and said, ā€œOkā€. We resumed with the tv show and life went on. A couple of days passed before we actually sat down and discussed why she asked me to marry her. We knew we loved each other and didnā€™t need a wedding or rings to prove it. Marriage was just a formality but we did it anyway. It definitely made our parents happy.

    • Haha yeah, itā€™s funny how many of the biggest decisions in life end up being made on the spur of the moment when you have to rather than after careful thought and deliberation. Or what seem like small moments that suddenly become much bigger that you never forget. Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m making sense but at least I get what youā€™re saying! šŸ˜œ