Oh? Aren’t you guys always yelling about voter suppression? So which is it? Everyone who didn’t vote made a conscious decision or at least some people were prevented from voting?
As for the rest. Yes apathy is a choice. After decades of watching both parties do nothing about their slow slide into homelessness I cannot act surprised that people are more worried about making rent than voting.
What exactly are you saying the article proves? The boy crying wolf was finally right? You know the sheep get eaten in that story for the same exact reason people didn’t take the democrats warnings seriously. The DNC fucked up.
Oh? Aren’t you guys always yelling about voter suppression? So which is it? Everyone who didn’t vote made a conscious decision or at least some people were prevented from voting?
As for the rest. Yes apathy is a choice. After decades of watching both parties do nothing about their slow slide into homelessness I cannot act surprised that people are more worried about making rent than voting.
I’ll again point you to the article. And also again: Congratulations protest non voters, this is what you voted for!
You may continue your mental backflips. Ciao.
What exactly are you saying the article proves? The boy crying wolf was finally right? You know the sheep get eaten in that story for the same exact reason people didn’t take the democrats warnings seriously. The DNC fucked up.