Debian Testing is a great way to try out Debian and provide feedback to the project. But it's not a rolling release Linux distro. Although some successfully use it like one. In today's video, I'll ...
Wanted a stable and cool system, so went with debian stable.
But stable was outdated for my taste, so I went to testing.
But testing had missing packets, so I tried to update to unstable, though I did it badly and crashed my system.
After resinstalling testing, I tried to make a semi-failed script to autodownload/update apps outside the debian repo, but I found out that nixos essentially did this, in fact much better. And I accidentally deleted my /usr/bin/ dir with that script, so I eventually went with nixos unstable:)
Debian testing is just a small resistence step of future arch users still scared to distrohop
It’s kinda how I ended up with nixos
Wanted a stable and cool system, so went with debian stable.
But stable was outdated for my taste, so I went to testing.
But testing had missing packets, so I tried to update to unstable, though I did it badly and crashed my system.
After resinstalling testing, I tried to make a semi-failed script to autodownload/update apps outside the debian repo, but I found out that nixos essentially did this, in fact much better. And I accidentally deleted my /usr/bin/ dir with that script, so I eventually went with nixos unstable:)