I am currently trying to escape Windows and want to switch to Linux Mint as my daily driver.
However when I first tried it on a spare laptop everything worked except the WiFi. A kernel update fixed it because it also has ethernet.
My question is can I boot to a live USB on the ethernet laptop, update the kernel on the live USB and use that on the other laptop to install mint with working WiFi?
I tried to use the internet from my phone via Bluetooth but it was so slow it was unusable.
If this is a dumb question I apologise as I’ve been using Linux for less than a day at this point.
No, you can’t.
Why not use the same method that worked last time? Do you not have a wired connection anymore?
Anyway, if a kernel update fixed it last time, it’s highly likely the latest ISO will have that updated kernel already. Just try seeing if Wifi works from the live USB.
One of my laptops doesn’t have ethernet. Also the bluetooth doesn’t work either with the same live USB. I’ve ordered a USB wifi dongle and i’ll try that.