Please no. That would instantly give control of the government to Americans since the entire population of Canada is around the same as California alone. They can secede and be their own thing, but they’re not joining Canada.
If France helps the East Coast secede from yet another empire I’m gonna laugh my ass off. Us Californians did it to Mexico once we can sure as shit so it to America.
In all honesty with all the red hate for blue states I’m hella over helping them. It’s like being in an abusive relationship and our leadership just rolls over and takes it.
We should demand concessions to keep sending these welfare queens our money.
Agreed though most of it comes from the increased federalism centralization over the last 150 years or so, if we could do something as simple as cut off trade or otherwise demand concessions for trade to flow I can almost guarantee that the red states would learn to play nice. Either that or ban their pathetic politicians from stepping foot in blue states.
Also it may for them to become more functional over all, when fucking Idaho is one of the more functional and economically balanced red states ya done fucked up.
Omg if even the EU hinted at helping the blue states secede, I will cry in excitement.
Something worth fighting for.
Colorado and New Mexico deserve better. They get to come too.
Please no. That would instantly give control of the government to Americans since the entire population of Canada is around the same as California alone. They can secede and be their own thing, but they’re not joining Canada.
If France helps the East Coast secede from yet another empire I’m gonna laugh my ass off. Us Californians did it to Mexico once we can sure as shit so it to America.
In all honesty with all the red hate for blue states I’m hella over helping them. It’s like being in an abusive relationship and our leadership just rolls over and takes it.
We should demand concessions to keep sending these welfare queens our money.
Agreed though most of it comes from the increased federalism centralization over the last 150 years or so, if we could do something as simple as cut off trade or otherwise demand concessions for trade to flow I can almost guarantee that the red states would learn to play nice. Either that or ban their pathetic politicians from stepping foot in blue states.
Also it may for them to become more functional over all, when fucking Idaho is one of the more functional and economically balanced red states ya done fucked up.