I think the only one that can solve all of their problems is elon. He would fix it in few weeks. Include him in next launch, he will troubleshoot directly on the Moon. Please, someone, send that asshole to space.
I mean, I would too, just to see if the moon is special.
I mean look, scientists (and random bored people) for hundreds upon hundreds of years did the same thing. Tasted things, consumed things to see what they do…
Has anyone smoked the moon yet? No. So we don’t actually know. We can speculate it does nothing, but we don’t know.
I think the only one that can solve all of their problems is elon. He would fix it in few weeks. Include him in next launch, he will troubleshoot directly on the Moon. Please, someone, send that asshole to space.
And he’s so full of hot air he doesn’t even need a suit.
He would try to smoke the moon regolith and come up with some rad ideas. Occupy Moon! Yeeeeaah
I mean, I would too, just to see if the moon is special.
I mean look, scientists (and random bored people) for hundreds upon hundreds of years did the same thing. Tasted things, consumed things to see what they do…
Has anyone smoked the moon yet? No. So we don’t actually know. We can speculate it does nothing, but we don’t know.
Maybe snort moon dust? Probably more practical.
That would be awesome. It’s pretty much super asbestos.
Elon in his Cave Johnson era and we’re here for it
Had me in the first half, ngl
Haha, that was the idea 🤣