I guess it’s officially time to recommence the yearly grind of yard maintenance. We didnt even get to enjoy a respite, with all the snow we had.
I just spread mix’ of flower seeds on mine. You should to. There is plenty of low maintenance mix’ that makes your lawn very pretty.
We do the same
Last year my wife planted some very happy flowers, there was a school group that went by and as the kids walked past they stopped to smell them or just ran their hands through some of the taller ones
It was fun to watch
There’s a lady on our street with this super garden that is chock full of wildflowers of tons of types, she’s our hero, her garden is so fun
I get that works for you, and that is great. That wouldn’t work for us, for a variety of reasons, foremost among them is a particularly nasty variety of invasive ticks.
Too bad. Keep thinking. You’ll find a way to beautify your lawn.
I think I’m going to try to roll ours this year. Over the years it’s gotten so lumpy that it’s borderline dangerous to walk on.
My neighbor in Cackalacky had a nice roller (filled w/ water) that he ran behind his lawn tractor, then he had a dethatcher he’d use. He also ran his own irrigation for water the lawn. Always put mine to shame.
He was a retired maintenance supervisor, worked at a plant. Everything that man did was squared away. Great neighbor, even better drinking buddy. I’d sit around with him and Rudie who was a retired machinist from Germany. Good times. I miss those dudes. RIP Rich. If I still drank beer, I’d poor one out for him.
Just tell your neighbor you are in the process of killing your lawn. https://youtu.be/kcfbt3KXoEw
Lawns are a curse.