President Joe Biden is arguing that ā€œthere is something dangerous happening in Americaā€ as he revives his warnings that Donald Trump and his allies represent an existential threat to the countryā€™s democratic institutions.

ā€œThere is an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs of our democracy. The MAGA movement,ā€ Biden says in excerpts of the speech Thursday in Arizona, released in advance by the White House, referring Trumpā€™s Make America Great Again slogan.

Although voting in the 2024 Republican primary doesnā€™t begin for months, Bidenā€™s focus reflects Trumpā€™s status as the undisputed frontrunner for his partyā€™s nomination despite facing four indictments, two of them related to his attempts to overturn Bidenā€™s victory in the 2020 election.