Right-wing billionaires have long wanted to shred the safety net. Under Trump, they’re using lies and fears over the deficit to debilitate Social Security.
Right-wing billionaires have long wanted to shred the safety net. Under Trump, they’re using lies and fears over the deficit to debilitate Social Security.
A similar reform could be instituted today, say by lifting the cap on earnings that are taxable by Social Security (currently $176,100).
They don’t want to pay into or keep an insurance program that they will never need. To keep it solvent, they would have to pay more into it, and they don’t want to, so they just want to get rid of it.
They don’t want to pay into or keep an insurance program that they will never need. To keep it solvent, they would have to pay more into it, and they don’t want to, so they just want to get rid of it.