The Commerce Commission has filed criminal charges against meal delivery company HelloFresh New Zealand for alleged misleading behaviour.
The regulator claims the company misled customers in cold calls trying to get discontinued subscribers to sign up again.
The claim related to conduct between February 2022 and July 2023, when previous HelloFresh customers were offered vouchers without being told that accepting them would reactivate their subscription, the Commission said.
I have this idea that I’m pretty devout about, and it pisses off a lot of people for some reason, but I firmly believe that good products don’t need salesmen. Only bad and unnecessary products need someone to convince you to buy them, good products sell themselves.
Nah, you can’t sell a product if nobody knows about it.
I agree that a good product will be marketed through word of mouth, but that takes years to build, and people have to actually buy the product in the first place.
Then you don’t need it. We live in the digital age, now more than ever if there’s a truly great product your friends and family are going to let you know pretty quick. Anything else is manufactured necessity.
It depends on the product. How often do your friends and family tell you about their new toothbrush?
Relatively mundane items just aren’t talked about all that much.
Wait, hold on, I want a real example, because that toothbrush analogy isn’t good. Everyone learns about them as children, we don’t hear about new ones from friends because of what I’ve already said, it’s not necessary, and also, your dentist will most certainly tell you about the new dental tech out there when you visit if it’s truly some revolution in the way we clean our mouths. So can you come up with some product you needed in your life that had to be advertised to you because you wouldn’t have known about it otherwise?
Yeah, because I visit the dentist all the time…
I’m not getting into an argument over a point you made in the first place, I don’t care enough about your opinion.