[email protected]
Underage, you will be unbanned when you turn 18 (happy birthday in advance)[email protected]
Underage, you will be unbanned when you turn 18 (happy birthday in advance)
So obeying any laws whatsoever is inherently undesirable?
Not necessarily, e.g., if they align with your values. But age restricting access to a general purpose platform seems very nanny state to me.
It depends on your opinion. Anarchy isn’t a prescriptive unitary ideology, and it’s got a lot of different things behind it and subgroups and whatever. You can have Stirner’s Egoist perspective on laws, being that you just follow whatever laws suit your own ego, or you can have the Illegalists’ perspective on laws, that they’re all worth breaking.
Now I know you’re not only not a real anarchist or have any understanding of anarchism whatsoever but likely a bootlicker too.