Steelmanning their point, they might not be saying that all this is orchestrated by some third party (e.g. Russia), but that they are benefiting from it.
To which I’d say: unfortunately, the same holds true for the alternative.
I totally agree with the part of the comment that Russia benefits from weakening the EU and US alliance. What I am criticising is the suggestion that the problem started with boycotting US products.
Like everything the US did before, didn’t matter. That comment is dangerously close to the bully logic that Russia and Trump share: “we can do whatever we want to you, it’s your fault if you fight back”
Steelmanning their point, they might not be saying that all this is orchestrated by some third party (e.g. Russia), but that they are benefiting from it.
To which I’d say: unfortunately, the same holds true for the alternative.
I totally agree with the part of the comment that Russia benefits from weakening the EU and US alliance. What I am criticising is the suggestion that the problem started with boycotting US products.
Like everything the US did before, didn’t matter. That comment is dangerously close to the bully logic that Russia and Trump share: “we can do whatever we want to you, it’s your fault if you fight back”