Working on whittling a bear for my sister in-law, it’s a new hobby so it’s slow going and I broke a foot off the first try
How big a bear is it
I finally got back to my Taboo generator spreadsheet to quickly create a set of words with related banned words for my classes to use when we do vocabulary reviews. Not only did I get the related words scraping off a database and filtering correctly, I also have it so I can select vocabulary by week, up to that week, and also display it in a printable page with cards for physical play.
Up next, I’m hoping to also tag on a word search generator for vocabulary words.
Spreadsheeting is fun!
Filling the time between game sessions with writing exercises to help develop the characters we’ll be playing with next campaign!
Started a new book. Thats all as far as hobbies. Life’s been pretty boring.
What are you reading
I recently started dabbling in making music, and yesterday I set up a new drum pad MIDI controller (Akai MPD218) and played around with it a bit. Much more satisfying to have physical pads and knobs instead of just using the DAW with mouse and kb.
Finally recaught the relaxation that really improves my martial arts techniques.
I’ve been getting prepped for a round of tabletop Battletech with some friends this weekend. Printed a couple minis, laminated cheat sheets, bit of painting, and generally coordinating things and brushing up on the game as it’s all going down at my house, the basement is a mess, and we’re all fairly new to the game.
Getting some old computers ready to be sold. Installed Debian on an old one that probably won’t be able to handle W11. Probably not worth much, but better sell it while it’s still worth anything at all.
Also realized I have a some spare SSDs I could use somewhere.
Sharpened some saws