A survey of more than 2,000 smartphone users by second-hand smartphone marketplace SellCell found that 73% of iPhone users and a whopping 87% of Samsung Galaxy users felt that AI adds little to no value to their smartphone experience.

SellCell only surveyed users with an AI-enabled phone – thats an iPhone 15 Pro or newer or a Galaxy S22 or newer. The survey doesn’t give an exact sample size, but more than 1,000 iPhone users and more than 1,000 Galaxy users were involved.

Further findings show that most users of either platform would not pay for an AI subscription: 86.5% of iPhone users and 94.5% of Galaxy users would refuse to pay for continued access to AI features.

From the data listed so far, it seems that people just aren’t using AI. In the case of both iPhone and Galaxy users about two-fifths of those surveyed have tried AI features – 41.6% for iPhone and 46.9% for Galaxy.

So, that’s a majority of users not even bothering with AI in the first place and a general disinterest in AI features from the user base overall, despite both Apple and Samsung making such a big deal out of AI.

  • Stormy1701
    45 minutes ago

    AI is a bad idea completely and if people cared at all about their privacy they should disable it.

    It’s all well and good to say that AI categorises pictures and allows you to search for people and places in them, but how do you think that is accomplished? The AI scan and remembers every picture on your phone. Same with email summaries. It’s reading your emails too.

    The ONLY assurance that this data isn’t being sent back to HQ is the companies word that it isn’t. And being closed source we have no possible way of auditing their use of data to see if that’s true.

    Do you trust Apple and/or Google? Because you shouldn’t.

    Especially now when setting up a new AI capable iPhone or iPad Apple Intelligence is enabled by DEFAULT.

    It should be OPT-IN, not opt-out.

    All AI can ever really do is invade your privacy and make humans even more stupid than they are already. Now they don’t even have to go to a search engine to look for things. They ask the AI and blindly believe what ever bullshit it regurgitates at them.

    AI is dangerous on many levels because soon it will be deciding who gets hired for a new job, who gets seen first in the ER and who gets that heart transplant, and who dies.

    • Rawdogg@lemm.ee
      21 minutes ago

      It’s not soon it’s already deciding If people live or die, united healthcare used AI that would auto deny all claims automatically

  • diffusive@lemmy.world
    2 hours ago

    I hate that nowadays AI == LLM/chatbot.

    I love the AI classifiers that keep me safe from spam or that help me categorise pictures. I love the AI based translators that allow me to write in virtually any language almost like a real speaker.

    What I hate is these super advanced stocastic parrots that manage to pass the Turing test and, so, people assume they think.

    I am pretty sure that they asked specifically about LLM/chatbots the percentage of people not caring would be even higher

    • BoJackHorseman@lemm.ee
      58 minutes ago

      AI present on Apple and Samsung phones are indeed useless.

      They have small language models that summarise notification and rewrite your messages and emails. Those are pretty useless.

      Image editing AI that removes unwanted people from your photos have some use.

      However top AI tools like deep research, Cursor which millions of developers are using to assist developers with coding are objectively very useful.

  • bampop@lemmy.world
    57 minutes ago

    I think the article is missing the point on two levels.

    First is the significance of this data, or rather lack of significance. The internet existed for 20-some years before the majority of people felt they had a use for it. AI is similarly in a finding-its-feet phase where we know it will change the world but haven’t quite figured out the details. After a period of increased integration into our lives it will reach a tipping point where it gains wider usage, and we’re already very close to that.

    Also they are missing what I would consider the two main reasons people don’t use it yet.

    First, many people just don’t know what to do with it (as was the case with the early internet). The knowledge/imagination/interface/tools aren’t mature enough so it just seems like a lot of effort for minimal benefits. And if the people around you aren’t using it, you probably don’t feel the need.

    Second reason is that the thought of it makes people uncomfortable or downright scared. Quite possibly with good reason. But even if it all works out well in the end, what we’re looking at is something that will drive the pace of change beyond what human nature can easily deal with. That’s already a problem in the modern world but we aint seen nothing yet. The future looks impossible to anticipate, and that’s scary. Not engaging with AI is arguably just hiding your head in the sand, but maybe that beats contemplating an existential terror that you’re powerless to stop.

  • PieMePlenty@lemmy.world
    2 hours ago

    Doesn’t help that I don’t know what this “AI” is supposed to be doing on my phone.
    Touch up a few photos on my phone? Ok go ahead, ill turn it off when I want a pure photography experience (or use a DSLR).
    Text prediction? Yeah why not… I mean, is it the little things like that?
    So it feels like either these companies dont know how to use “AI” or they dont know how to market it… or more likely they know one way to market it and the marketing department is driving the development. Im sure theres good uses but it seems like they dont want to put in the work and just give us useless ones.

    • Robaque@feddit.it
      2 hours ago

      Useless for us, but not for them. They want us to use them like personalised confidante-bots so they can harvest our most intimate data

  • SirFasy@lemmy.world
    2 hours ago

    Everybody hates AI, and these companies keep trying to push it because they’re so desperate for investors. Oh, I want to be a fly on the wall of a meeting room when the bubble finally pops.

  • umbrella@lemmy.ml
    4 hours ago

    please burst that bubble already so i can get a second hand server grade gpu

  • astro_plane@lemm.ee
    5 hours ago

    I side graded from a iPhone 12 to an Xperia as a toy to tinker around with recently and I disabled Gemini on my phone not long after it let me join the beta.

    Everything seemed half baked. Not only were the awnsers meh and it felt like an invasion of privacy after reading to user agreement. Gemini can’t even play a song on your phone, or get you directions home, what an absolute joke.

    • Eagle0110@lemmy.world
      3 hours ago

      Ironically, on my Xperia 1 VI (which I specifically chose as my daily driver because of all the compromises on flagship phones from other brands) I had the only experience where I actually felt like a smartphone feature based on machine learning helped my experience, even though the Sony phones had practically no marketing with the AI buzzwords at all.

      Sony actually trained a machine learning model for automatically identifying face and eye location for human and animal subjects in the built-in camera app, in order to be able to keep the face of your subject in focus at all time regardless how they move around. Allegedly it’s a very clever solution trained for identifying skeletal position to in turn identify head and eye positions, it works particularly well for when your subject moves around quickly which is where this is especially helpful.

      And it works so incredibly well, wayyyyy better than any face tracking I had on any other smartphone or professional camera, it made it so so much easier for me to take photos and videos of my super active kitten and pet mice lol

      • astro_plane@lemm.ee
        1 hour ago

        That’s pretty neat, I think that’s a great example of how machine learning being useful for everyday activities. Face detection on cameras has been a big issue ever since the birth of digital photography. I’m using a Japanese 5 III that I picked up for $130 and its been great. I’ve heard of being able to side load camera apps from other Xperias onto the 5 III so I’ll give it a try.

        I think Sony makes great hardware and their phones have some classy designs and I’m also a fan of their DSLR’S. I’ve always admired there phones going back to the Ericson Walkmans, their designs have aged amazingly. I apreciate how close to stock Sony’s Xperia phones are, I dont like UI’s and bloatware you cant remove. My last Android phone a Galaxy S III was terrible in that regard and put me off from buying another Android until recently. I was actually thinking about getting a 1 VI as my next phone and install lineage on it now that I’m ready to commit.

        • Eagle0110@lemmy.world
          39 minutes ago

          I totally agree with the AOSP-like ROM and I love it so much too, especially since Sony also makes it super straightforward to root (took me less than 10 minutes) with no artificial function limitations after root (unlike the Samsung models where you can even root at all), so a highly AOSP-like ROM also means a lot of the cook OS customization tools originally developed for Pixel phones, where most of such community development efforts are focused on, tend to mostly work too on th Xperia phones :p

          For side-loading Sony native apps from other models, I tried the old pro video recording app from previous gen (the Cinema Pro) on my Xperia 1 VI just for curiosity (since the new unified camera app with all the pro camera and pro video features included in a single app is definitely an usability improvement lol), and it worked fine, so it might work too if you side-load the new camera app onto your older model, feel free to DM me if you’re interested to experiment with this and I can try the various methods for exporting that app and send to you.

          Although Lineage OS is not yet available for the gen VI model since it only came out in 2024, however the previous gen V model got its first Lineage OS release in around September, 2024, so it might not take that long to get Lineage OS for the gen VI model :D

  • fritobugger2017@lemmy.world
    7 hours ago

    My kids school just did a survey and part of it included questions about teaching technology with a big focus on the use of AI. My response was “No” full stop. They need to learn how to do traditional research first so that they can spot check the error ridden results generated by AI. Damn it school, get off the bandwagon.

    • Akito@lemm.ee
      1 hour ago

      And what exactly is the difference between researching shit sources on plain internet and getting the same shit via an AI, except manually it takes 6 hours and with AI it takes 2 minutes?

    • AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
      4 hours ago

      I say this as an education major, and former teacher. That being said, please keep fighting your PTA on this.

      We didn’t get actually useful information in high school, partially because our parents didn’t think there was anything wrong with the curriculum.

      I’m absolutely certain that there are multiple subjects that you may have skipped out on, if you’d had any idea that civics, shop, home economics, and maybe accounting were going to be the closest classes to “real world skills that all non collegate educated people still need to know.”

      • fritobugger2017@lemmy.world
        2 hours ago

        I regret not taking shop and home economics. Filing taxes and balancing checkbooks would be good skills to learn also.

  • LeninOnAPrayer@lemm.ee
    7 hours ago

    AI is not there to be useful for you. It is there to be useful for them. It is a perfect tool for capturing every last little thought you could have and direct to you perfectly on what they can sell you.

    It’s basically one big way to sell you shit. I promise we will follow the same path as most tech. It’ll be useful for some stuff and in this case it’s being heavily forced upon us whether we like it or not. Then it’s usefulness will be slowly diminished as it’s used more heavily to capitalize on your data, thoughts, writings, code, and learn how to suck every last dollar from you whether you’re at work or at home.

    It’s why DeepSeek spent so little and works better. They literally were just focusing on the tech.

    All these billions are not just being spent on hardware or better optimized software. They are being spent on finding the best ways to profit from these AI systems. It’s why they’re being pushed into everything.

    You won’t have a choice on whether you want to use it or not. It’ll soon by the only way to interact with most systems even if it doesn’t make sense.

    Mark my words. When Google stops standard search on their home page and it’s a fucking AI chat bot by default. We are not far off from that.

    It’s not meant to be useful for you.

    • astro_plane@lemm.ee
      5 hours ago

      Yes, it seems like no one even read the damn user agreement. AI just adds another level to our surveillance state. Its only there to collect information about you and to figure out the inner workings of its users minds to sell ads. Gemini even listens to your conversations if you have the quick access toggle enabled.