Back when I used to use Arch (btw), I had the bright idea of switching to Parabola because 99% of what I used was open source, only to find out that there’s a hidden 5th freedom that’s required for something to be classified as truly free software: Stallman’s freedom to have his balls fondled. It tried to uninstall half of my packages because of ideological stupidity such as the software having optional closed source add-ons even though the part that I had installed was 100% open source. These distros are useless toys.
Back when I used to use Arch (btw), I had the bright idea of switching to Parabola because 99% of what I used was open source, only to find out that there’s a hidden 5th freedom that’s required for something to be classified as truly free software: Stallman’s freedom to have his balls fondled. It tried to uninstall half of my packages because of ideological stupidity such as the software having optional closed source add-ons even though the part that I had installed was 100% open source. These distros are useless toys.