I am a complete beginner and I can tell that this is anything but a beginner pattern. Obviously this shouldn’t be the first project I attempt. However, could some of you maybe give me an idea of how ridiculous it would be to try this as one of my first 5 or so projects for example? How much experience would I need to work myself up to this? It looks so complicated.
Can I suggest an alternate as you work up to this? The Klaziena Shawl is a free, beautiful pattern that looks far more complex than it actually is: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/klaziena-shawl
There are really only three stitches to worry about (chain, single crochet, double crochet), the pattern is extremely clear, and it has both written instructions and a chart. This could give you great practice reading charts as well as with general shawl construction. (I’ve made it four or five times now!)
Omg. Just 3 stitches? Are you serious? That one is so pretty too! And for free? This is ridiculous! Thanks for sharing. Will definitely try it out!
Just three stitches! Well, technically, four, but the last one is just a very simple variation on double crochet (going around the post instead of on top of the stitch).
I’ve done it in a couple of different yarn weights & blends and it’s a very forgiving pattern as long as your hook is suitable to the yarn. I recommend a single-colour yarn or one with a very long gradient to show off the stitching; shorter gradients will look a bit mottled.
Here’s the first one I did, in a 2-weight 100% cotton:
And a rectangular version in progress which is 100% merino and probably about a 4-weight:
Absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!