In case you didn’t know leftists are not Democrats, Democrats are closer in policy to Republicans than leftists are Democrats. Your party hosted more cops, zionists, and Republicans onto their convention stage than they did progressives. They cuddled up with right wing war criminals, and tried to out Republican Republicans. Your party did this.
In the US that spectrum doesn’t exist to the left of democrats. It ends at democrats.
Those cops, zionists and republicans are also a part of our democracy and they have a vote. Leftists consistently lose elections for not considering this.
Democrats tried to be less moderate in 2016 and 2024 and lost because of it. Which is expected because leftists can’t win elections.
Then you will get more Trump and the GOP and fascism
Doing things your way did just that.
Dems have won the majority of elections since the 90s. Biden/Harris lost because of inflation.
Republicans lost by waaay more in 2020. If they followed your mentality they would’ve lost in 2024. Instead they doubled down and won.
Democrats did what you wanted in 2016 and 2024 and lost. But at least you didn’t have to move to the left.
You prefer trump to moving to the left.
Leftists aren’t winning elections.
Dems tried to cater to leftists in 2016 and 2024 and lost as a result.
The majority of Americans don’t want leftist politicians as we can see with election results.
Leftists are forcing Dems to the right by giving the elections to Trump
Leftists aren’t winning “primaries.”
Or elections
Have to get through what democrats have the gall to refer to as primaries first.
India Walton, Nina Turner?
Won the primary. Lost the election.
The DNC gave us Trump and fascism.
Na. That was fake leftists screeching “genicide Joe” and claiming both sides are the same.
In case you didn’t know leftists are not Democrats, Democrats are closer in policy to Republicans than leftists are Democrats. Your party hosted more cops, zionists, and Republicans onto their convention stage than they did progressives. They cuddled up with right wing war criminals, and tried to out Republican Republicans. Your party did this.
Left and right is a spectrum of ideology.
In the US that spectrum doesn’t exist to the left of democrats. It ends at democrats.
Those cops, zionists and republicans are also a part of our democracy and they have a vote. Leftists consistently lose elections for not considering this.
Democrats tried to be less moderate in 2016 and 2024 and lost because of it. Which is expected because leftists can’t win elections.
They lost in 2016 and 2024 because they abandoned their base in an effort to lurch right.