Let me break this down:
Openly defying court orders multiple times= dictatorship Threatening to jail political opponents despite them being pardoned= dictatorship Deporting American citizens who have legal citizenship= dictatorship Can’t put it any simpler.
Constitutional crisis time! Who’s ready to defend their rights and fight for democracy!
Most of America has work tomorrow, sorry.
“I’ll stand peacefully on a sidewalk holding up a sign to defend democracy, so long as no harm comes to me.” - Americans
As an anti gun person my whole life, I am considering buying a gun to defend my rights as our 2nd amendment was designed to protect.
I think Democrats need to start forming or partnering with like like minded, armed groups, to help reinforce the importance and need for action. Then we have our support shown how we will defend our rights if actions are not taken.
I am not advocating for violence, but we cannot show up to a gun right with cardboard signs.
Do it. Same reason I did. The reality of it sucks, but it’s the way of the world. Don’t let conservatives be the only ones armed or we’re fucked for sure
What have you ever done in your life keyboard warrior? Stfu
Let’s say I am a worthless keyboard warrior living in America and not going out to protest as if my future depended on it, what difference would that make? Still an accurate description of Americans, if you’re an American on lemmy complaining about people showing a mirror to you then do something about it.