It’s a way to conveniently talk about the number of bathrooms. You can say a house is “three bedroom, two and a half bath” and you convey that there are two bathrooms and one “washroom”.
What gets confusing are these large homes, or McMansions that list 5 bedrooms and 7 and a half baths. So are they listing 3 powder rooms at 1.5 baths? I can’t afford them, so I only see it online; but that part gets weird. I have seen descriptions that then list full and partial though.
Never heard “half bath”, and I always called those washrooms.
It is common in the US, frequently they will be listed as 2 & 1/2 baths if they have two with tubs and one without.
Haven’t paid enough attention to know how they list multiple 1/2 baths but pretty sure they don’t add up like regular fractions…
I always found the term 1/2 bath weird.
And a room with a toilet, sink, and shower stall is a 3/4 bath.
Anything to avoid the metric system!
I’ve never heard of this before. I have what you describe as 3/4 bath, but it was listed as a full bath in MLS.
If you put a bedpan and a washbasin in your closet, it’s a 1/8 bath.
I did real estate for 12 years and never came across the term “3/4 bath”.
Imagine getting a half bath but only the back half so you don’t even get a faucet
half a sink, half a toilet, half a shower.
They’d either list them separately or as a whole and then clarify. E.g. "two full- and two half-baths"or something like “four bathrooms - two full”
Whatever we call them, it’s always some euphemism hiding the fact tha it’s the pooping room.
We call it the poop stick room.
Wafflestomp emporium
Commonly called called a ‘powder room’ in australia.
I’m in the US and powered room is used in places I’ve lived. But on real estate listings it is common to call it 1/2 bath.
or “water closet” in the UK
It’s a way to conveniently talk about the number of bathrooms. You can say a house is “three bedroom, two and a half bath” and you convey that there are two bathrooms and one “washroom”.
What gets confusing are these large homes, or McMansions that list 5 bedrooms and 7 and a half baths. So are they listing 3 powder rooms at 1.5 baths? I can’t afford them, so I only see it online; but that part gets weird. I have seen descriptions that then list full and partial though.
Or 5 powder rooms and zero bathtubs
Sure, it could mean that, but I don’t think any could person would go to that conclusion.