Can someone explain to me

  1. Why does he think Trump the yaphead would ever shut up about anything ever
  2. What good are “bilateral talks” with someone that can’t keep their word anyway ?

What is the point here trying to show everyone just how much of a illequipped, stay-the-course, liberal empty suit he is and how he’s going to boldly going to try to “do the same thing we’ve always done except not woke this time and hope it keeps working”

Don’t these people understand that the US is only good at one thing and it’s eating liberal banking stiffs alive ?

Are they trying to lose on purpose ?

  • interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
    10 hours ago

    On the contrary I think we should be buying enough top of the line ATGMs to give American tank columns the “ukrainian welcome” when their tanks are stuck in 401 traffic.

    I am offended by how bad this Carney guy is playing the liberal “head-in-the-sand” “if we don’t move maybe the predator will go away”

    Obviously another excuse to give us absolutely nothing and let smol PP le poilus have his stupid slogans about housing costs while Carney gets tangled, failed in advance fake negociations with the americans.

    He thinks just taking down the woke flag and cutting carbon tax is enough, he is sadly mistaken. In fact, I cannot believe any competent political operator could make this mistake. They know very well to bleed us dry and if that means the convervatives meat-heads will be the ones to do it, that’s all right with them too. Either way their stock portfolio will be fine, Canadian or American.

    Don’t mistake my criticism of this empty suit as support for any of the other awful, do nothing political parties.