“So just do it” is a glaring one for me.
Simply because it is disregarding someone else’s thought processes and how their mind works. Where simply ‘just do it’ is not as easily and readily accomplished. This kind of advice is always uttered when one person is going on about how they’re tired of something and want to do something else. So this gets mentioned.
It could be a lot of reasons as to why, even if it is down to the obvious reasons. My valid reason a lot of the time is that I just don’t have the energy or will to just magically get myself to do something.
Just get over it!
Move on!
Because both pieces of advice are intended to play out on the advisor’s terms!
So if you were to follow their advice with, “Cool. Get the fuck out of my life!”, they’ll be, “No! NoT tHaT wAy!!!”
Idk man some people let themselves backslide into unhealthy fixations and need to be told it’s time to move on. There are healthy, empathetic ways to communicate that. I can’t say I’ve ever had anybody in my life who is actually trying to help me say“just get over it.“ That’s the kind of thing somebody says when they’re in an argument. That’s not really advice in any real sense.
Break ups immediately come to mind. I’ve certainly on more than one occasion had to pull a friend aside and tell them it’s time to move on (again in a better, more empathetic way).