Israeli attacks on Tuesday killed at least 174 Palestinian children in Gaza, causing “one of the largest one-day child death tolls” in the territory’s history, the civil society group Defense for Children has said.
“Israeli forces have signed a death warrant for Palestinian children in Gaza as they carry out nonstop attacks, continue to destroy civilian infrastructure, and prevent any humanitarian aid from reaching Palestinians in need,” Ayed Abu Eqtaish, accountability programme director at DCIP, said in a statement.
“This is nothing short of genocide.”
What’s so infuriating is that Trump views “ending the war” as the goal itself. He doesn’t much care how or who benefits/loses. Just “end the war”. It’s what he’s doing in Ukraine as well and he’s just going to bully the weaker nation into surrender simply to bring about an end.
His definition of ending the war is genocide, plain and simple. If there’s no one to fight back, the war is won.
Then he can go sunbathing and jerk off Benji and Pussytin right on his face for sunscreen.