Lotta lactose intolerant people put fruit juice on cereal. I tried it on a long cross-country trip with my wife - tastes pretty good, and no worries about milk going bad.
Fruit juice should be refrigerated once opened and does go bad in several days
Well we’re still alive and well, what can I say.
Bullshit; I’m lactose intolerant and I would never do something so insane. Almond and Oatmilk exist—and even if it’s not available—I’ll still drink cow’s milk and deal with the consequences later.
Oh, shit, didn’t realize it was about you?! Oh, wait…
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I wasn’t allowed to share a relevant anecdote.
Theres a certain subset of people who think you need permission to post on a public forum. its weird.
But now you have diabetes.
She eats cereal like she’s actually living in the last of us. I wonder if she also eats cold, expired beans directly out of a can she opened with a hunting knife
Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.
Post this on Facebook. I’ve learned that everyone on there fucking hates Ramsey because she’s a little odd looking and was cast to play a teenage character (Ellie) who they really wanted to fuck, I guess.
Such a shame people are so bigotted. Ramsey is an absolute fantastic actor and I can’t imagine any other actor their age getting Ellie’s character so spot on.
That being said, the thought of orange juice in my cereal makes my teeth hurt.
I first saw her as Lady Mormont in game of thrones and knew she was going places
Honestly, I think those guys were all in on the hate well before the TV show was even announced.
The sequel’s plot really triggered that part of the internet…
Tangent: I swear by orange juice in coffee instead of creamer. It deals with the bitter coffee taste by just making it Very Taste. It doesn’t taste good, quite the opposite. (My fiancée accidentally tasted my coffee once and immediately puked.) But it certainly does taste
straight to jail.
For Maximum Taste, add HP Brown Sauce.
Yo my dude wtf
Psychotic. Terrifying. Beautiful.
I went to a restaurant in a tropical beach town, and one of the cafes did espresso shots in a fruit juice that is a bit like a bitter orange and it was meh, I would try orange juice in my coffee at home though. I think the problem was there was more juice than coffee flavor and the bad ratio didn’t taste great.
Reminds me of when I tried putting 7Up in iced tea, expecting just fizzy iced tea.
It wasn’t. It was a completely weird flavor out of nowhere. Something terrible happened in that glass.
They killed Jesus because he spoke the truth.
Ice pour over with fresh calamansi juice goes amazingly well together.
I’m upset the image doesn’t show cornflakes but oats
This might be sardonically called atrocity, which is considerably better than the status quo, that being a literal atrocity.
Why do they already give the vibe that they do this prior to reading this article?
Did she play The Flash as well?
When I was a kid we were not allowed milk if we were sick. So I used to eat my cheerios with OJ. It got to the point I liked it more than with milk.
People love making arbitrary food rules. Eat whatever tastes good, so long as no one’s hurt.
Me until my SO starting starting pouring ketchup on the pasta I made him with homemade pasta sauce.
Ketchup is hands down the worst condiment. If my kid wasn’t obsessed with it on everything, I wouldn’t even have any in my house.
That is how I feel too. I used to gatekeep food. Now I am like whatever. Eat what you like how you like.
Specially since going plant based, my favourite hobby is breaking food rules.
Bella is vegan too, funnily enough.
So it was between orange juice, oat starch water, or soy bean soup. Yet people think orange juice is somehow weird.
Don’t yuck someone else’s yum.
Lmao I appreciate the caveat but Im also having fun trying to imagine (not fucked up) food choices that could “harm” someone else
edit: I used to have to sit there and watch my cousin dump ketchup on his kraft mac n’ cheese and that definitely hurt me
I mean, there are absolutely tons of diets and eating patterns that absolutely will harm the person eating them…
… And if you are regularly encouraging or induldging in that kind of diet among impressionable people, like children, that may transfer to them as normal/acceptable.
Also I guess if you are cooking/eating something that has particularly aerosolized ingredients or elements that other people are allergic to or just find incredibly repulsive, you might cause other people to vomit or have an allergic reaction.
I mean, canibalism comes to mind…
My mom had the same rule about milk. She said if you were running a fever, the milk would “curdle in your stomach” and make you nauseous. Your stomach is acidic. Milk always curdles in your stomach.
Asked my mom about this a few years back because she had the same rule. Turned out, she knew it was mostly bs, but she didnt want to deal with kids puking up curdled milk because it grossed her out, and apparently we had a harder time puking it up so we were more upset.
And honestly, i dont blame her. Depending on the year, she could have had 5 kids in the house all sick to some degree. If it took telling us milk would make us sicker to help ease that stress, I agree with it.
try it with a shot of kahlua
I mean, I’ve never eaten any cereal with OJ instead of milk, but it seems like it could work with a cereal + OJ combination that isn’t too overpowerfully sweet, or just a really strange combo.
Like… Lucky Charms + OJ… seems like it would be weird.
But… OJ + some kind of bran flake based cereal? That… might actually be better than milk, imo.
Now I want to try this haha.
I’ve always been the kind of person that’ll try basically any kind of food at least once.
I only ever recall eating plain cheerios (actually a knockoff called oat-e-oh) and kix, but those were not great with the oj.
Well, I’ve got cereal at home and bought some orange juice yesterday and it’s roundabout breakfast time, so… wish me luck.
How did it go?..
He ded
Good luck soldier, please give a status report ASAP🫡
Well, I’m still alive
after they patched me back together in the hospital.Alright, honestly, it really wasn’t too bad. I had oatmeal with dried banana slices and sunflower seeds (yes, that was all the cereal I had at home, well, except for some raisins which I didn’t dare combine this way).
The orange juice tasted more sour than I expected, which is good in my book. I had expected it to taste somewhat like cereal with water, which is vile, and it does not taste like that at all. I am now wondering, if I can make a cereal / fruit salad hybrid by throwing more fruit into there.On a serious note, I’m currently challenging myself to eliminate plastic from my diet and milk is one of the things that’s impossible to buy without plastic over here, for whatever stupid reason. Even the most eco-branded oat milk still comes wrapped in plastic garbage.
And yeah, given the alternatives of coconut milk (in a tin can), oat milk powder and water, orange juice is actually looking pretty damn good right now.Thanks for your contribution, it does sound better now that you have described. It sounds more like an oat mix to which you add fruit.
Thanks for the tag! Glad you survived the ordeal and took one for the team so we didn’t have to.
Bless her heart
Regardless of taste that much sugar is a sure path to early diabeetus.
Not just that. It’s bad for teeth to. Not to mention she’ll be honey in an hour.
Could be worse, she could microwave tea instead of using a kettle…isn’t that right Americans
The chemist in me is so sad 😞 what’s wrong with the microwave for heating water? That’s it’s one job in life
Domestic microwave ovens rarely offer more than 1kW of power, while a regular British kettle is 3kW. It takes ages to boil a cuppa in the microwave and that’s unacceptable!
Hey, that’s not bad!!! Doesn’t work here in Canada but now I’m really curious about it in Europe/UK. Gotta love the extra volts 💪
Extra volts are great! We can also get three phases if needed, that’s how domestic EV chargers go up to 22kW or something :) Three phases in the UK get you 240V x 300A, but you are not allowed a single device to have more than 30A per phase I believe.
Ugh, I’m so jealous. My car is currently charging off of 110V at 12 amps 😭
Move to Europe!
I was planning on it, but my country needs me 😞 🇨🇦 maybe later if things calm down.
I think they believe we’re heating the cup with the tea bag in it or smth, instead of just heating water. Idk. It’s lunacy.
Yeah, I agree, it’s something like that. Ive never really gotten a concrete answer from anyone for why they won’t use a microwave to heat water. The best I’ve gotten is “that’s not a what a microwave is for”.
It’s inefficient if you’re heating up multiple cups. A kettle of water takes about the same time as microwaving one cup. Americans often make one cup of tea, while Brits expect everyone within several blocks to pop in for a cuppa.
That makes sense, especially in a place with 240V
The best I’ve gotten is “that’s not a what a microwave is for”.
Yeah, microwaves aren’t for making water hot, they’re for making food hot AND DON’T TRY TO EXPLAIN HOW THEY WORK MAGIC MAN!
The only thing you need to know is: don’t put metal in the science oven!
Why? My last one came with a metal rack.
If metal rack can go in science oven, metal must not be a big issue.
smooth good. pointy bad.
Yes exactly. They are only for heating up molecules that have a dipole, like hydrogen chloride, ozone, ammonia, and some other probably unimportant ones.
Well this comment sent me on a bit of a deep dive. My statistical thermodynamics prof told us that microwaves only affect waters dipole, but it seems like they affect all polar molecules, like you say. Maybe it’s a semantics/language thing because I can imagine we could pick the microwave size to match its dipole. It’s been too long. I’d need to crack open some scary textbooks again. Hmm
Ah… my physics course was very short, and tried to cover a bit of everything, because I did Computer Science. So I really don’t know the details. I just assumed it would apply to any polar molecule to some degree and looked up random ones for that joke.
I do know that Microwaves use a frequency around 2.4 GHz - 2.5 GHz, they can disturb Wifi if they leak. But I assume that is just because the unlicensed ISM band is there, and hasn’t got anything to do with water specifically.
“What is my purpose?”
You make a mid cup of tea.
dejected appliance noises
I much prefer my cheap plastic electric kettle that imbues each cup of tea with microplatics
Microwaves are also one of the best methods for cooking vegetables due to minimal nutrients being sucked out by water (unless you’re drinking your boiled broccoli water of course) and no charring (yummy cancer) but it’s seen as inferior by most.
That said I’ve literally never cooked tofu in the microwave and I’m hesitant to even try lol
Don’t boil… blanch.
Most veggies I cook are either sautéed or roasted.
Steamed microwave veggies are great! For when you just want a lazy veggie side and don’t wanna cook after work.
Don’t pick on them. They only get 110v inches/pound power. They’ll write you an angry note on letter sized paper.
I’d be really mad at you right now, IF I COULD READ!
I’m from Canada, Vancouver specifically. I came over to the UK late 2020 to be with my now wife. Filled out my visa application mid-2020. The application had to be on A4. The “corporate partner” office that processes all the UK visa applications has to be sent printers and paper from the UK. As for myself I had to hire a small printing firm to print my application out on larger paper and cut it down to A4. The UKVI office, and the Canadian corporate partner who dealt with my application and biometrics…had the digital copy. I was still required to provide a hard copy on A4.
110v/240v isn’t really a huge issue…but I wish us Canadians would pull our finger out and go full metric, with the same ISO standard paper sizes as the rest of the rational world…
Okay, I’m all for roasting Americans on our standards and measurements, but what size paper do you use? I have no complaints about 8 1/2"x 11" paper, but I’m obviously used to it.
Why would anyone warm it? I have a puddle with like 20 oak leaves in my backyard, if I want leaf water, I’ll drink that.
I have no idea where we received this stigma and I am appalled. You can falsely accuse me of anything, ANYTHING, except microwaving tea. I will not let that stand.
::: spoiler I heat my water inside the oven like a true US citizen. :::
Air fryer tea
You fuckin wot, bruv?
And don’t forget to put the tea bag in first.
deleted by creator
Honestly, i did this with muesli and apple juice for years. Only thing that stopped me was finding out how awesome and cheap i can make my own oat milk at home with and the ridiculous sugar apple juice added.
OJ is kinda tangy though, that wouldn’t work… Apple was far mellower
How do you milk an oat? Their nipples must be miniscule. Do you have to use tweezers?
Oh its really good fun, 'cos they quite enjoy it. Sometimes you can get one quivering all over… /s
Blend em with water silly, its basically the opposite of porridge
Porridge is oats in water
The opposite of porridge would be freeze-dried oats
Oooh do you have a favorite oat milk recipe?
This is what we started with, but oats are so cheap increasing the amoint to add to the creaminess is somewhat inevitable:
3 cups water
1/2 cup rolled oats
2 tsp maple syrup
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp salt
Blend all ingredients together and pour through mesh strainer into a jar with a tight-fitting lid. Don’t push the mushy oats through the strainer or else it will be gritty (but its basically porridge)
Thank you! You mean literally blend in a blender right?
Yes, indeed!