Trying out different early 50s builds in tier 3.
Arsenal, deathblow, hammer is fun. That’s what I used to level. Keeping all the plates spinning is a challenge and it’s rewarding when you stack everything and nearly 1-shit elites
Trying out unbridled rage instead of arsenal. Feeling like I’m standing around doing flurry and getting hit in the face more, but it’s fun when hammer drops 30k crits in an aoe. There’s less plate spinning but now I’m feeling fury starved and getting face kicked in more.
Anyone else using unbridled and hammer? Does fury gen get better?
I switched to spin2win after level 50 and never looked back. I know it isn’t as strong has HotA builds in the long run, but it’s just so satisfying when you get your cooldowns reduced enough to tear through packs. Currently lvl 72 and having a blast slowly working my way up the nightmare dungeon ladder (most recently ran a 30).
Can you share some specifics of which spin2win build your using? I’m still leveling to 50, at 36, and trying out some different combinations.
I also use spin2win from website
Basically the skills is Whirlwind 3 shouts. If the shouts cooldown is not yet enough to keep spinning, use generator and ultimate to help with Fury
But I don’t think it’s good enough for leveling, I used Deathblow+HotA for leveling
Whirlwind build definitely isn’t particularly good for leveling, unfortunately. To be most effective, you really need access to the paragon board + a few pieces of gear/aspects. I’m following this guide, so you can keep a look out at least:
Awesome, thank you much for this info.