All posts require context

Users can submit text in addition to a link. You can include links within the text body for the purpose of providing additional context, but the post itself must contain some level of context to help readers understand what they are looking at.

It doesn’t need to be super extensive every time. A minimum of a few sentences that give a rough idea of the setting is all that is required.

It could be useful to write and save context that can be copied and pasted in order to provide more detail about your world for each of your posts

Be polite and constructive

If someone’s work is bad, make sure that your response are polite and constructive if you want to mention it.

Sensitive topics

Sensitive and heavy subject matter is allowed, although it is suggested to use content warnings depending on the content and context.

Do not misuse NSFW tagging. NSFW tagging is for sexual or graphic content and should not lose it’s meaning and consequently its protection. Please be specific when tagging sensitive subjects in the title.

Various negative topics and forms of bigotry are allowed to be contained within worlds, as long as it is clear from context or later developments within the story that they are not beliefs held by the author.

Personal opinions and morals

Personal opinions and morals are allowed as long as they are not the sole focus. The world must contain content and substance beyond simply being a soapbox to advance personal opinions.

Be original

While it’s a common trope that writers should “steal” as many ideas as possible, please make sure to make everything your own whether it’s from other works or historical sources.

Current events (within 20 years) fall under sensitive topics and special caution is advised.

Fanfiction and fan works

Fanfiction is generally not allowed except in the case of open ended works that encourage player worldbuilding.

AI creation policy

AI is allowed unless it creates content that is substantially similar to unpermitted work. Anyone asserting that AI use is somehow theft will be required to cite literally every single work they have ever experienced and may be banned for transphobia against AI.