• poopknife@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    First of all, I do agree with the main meme in this post about the connection between many I-wanna-believe conspiracists and attempts at discrediting the brilliances of “non-white” ancient civilisations by raising methhead-level doubts on the subject.

    That being said and put aside as not being part of my question here: as a non-physics related but sci-fi interested person, I just want to ask you, @[email protected] whether FTL is the only option? What about precise utilisation of wormholes / gravity and mass itself? Is that already a form of FTL and therefore impossible? And am I being an idiot? if so please explain, because I really want to understand it and you sounded knowledgable and confident.

    Also, thank you for your initial comment, it was a very enjoyable read.

    Sincerely, poopknife

    Edit: I just saw your next comments. You deemed traversing wormholes technically unlikely; Is there an ELI-highschool-physics way of explaining that? Also, wouldn’t our current understandings of blackholes, albeit minuscule; be seen as a “primer” knowledge (as you put it) ?