Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), theformer chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, was seven months late disclosing a family stock sale, according to a federal financial document reviewed by Raw Story.

    1 year ago

    I am by no means a fan of DWS, but this is a tired old narrative that’s always been questionable at best.

    DWS and the DNC absolutely had a personal preference for Clinton and definitely did Bernie no favors, but the fact of the matter is that Bernie has simply never been popular enough with Democratic voters to win the nomination. He has always over performed in caucuses and underperformed in primaries in more diverse states. And that’s without getting into the fact that caucuses are less democratic and have real accessibility issues in the first place. He lost the popular vote among Democrats by more than 3.5 million votes.

    Unfortunately, the story has become “the DNC stole the election” when the reality is that a cranky old man from Vermont who has always had trouble connecting with the black voters that are a core part of the Democratic voting bloc didn’t have the popularity needed to make it out of the primaries, twice.

    It’d be more helpful for progressive politics to focus on why that was and finding a candidate who can message in a way that appeals more broadly to the party as a whole, but instead we’re constantly relitigating how the DNC magically pressed buttons that caused Bernie to lose within the party by millions of votes.

      1 year ago

      While Bernie very well may not have won regardless, the whole superdelegates bullshit turned off a LOT of voters because it appeared that the DNC was overriding the will of the voters. Had they just left things alone, Clinton likely would have gotten the nomination anyway without leaving a huge voter bloc feeling bitter and resentful.

        1 year ago

        I’m one of those people who was bitter and resentful. I’m old enough to have watched the same scenario play out over and over before.

        For the first time, I was actually hopeful that some real change might actually happen, that benefited myself and my fellow “landed gentry”. I had even done something i never thought I would have. I volunteered my time to help Bernie’s campaign.

        Then the DNC did what they always do, and made sure that what THEY wanted was more important than the country. Which is how we ended up with trump. Because the status quo wasn’t bad enough already. Right?