As the title says, I’m looking for a Linux/macOS-compatible EPROM programmer. I’d like to be able to program parallel (E)EPROMs in the 27xxx range. The newer XGecu programmers seem to not be compatible with Linux/macOS, and the selection of TL866(II) clones is too overwhelming for me to be able to choose one.
Any suggestions?
Dunno if these guides for setting up the software under Wine will help - I’ll have to try it sometime.
Maybe check Ben Eater’s YouTube channel. He often programs an EPROM and by the looks of it he uses macOS.
Thank you. He indeed sells a TL866II Plus on his shop. It’s a little on the expensive side, what with shipping from California to the EU and all, so I’ll keep my eyes peeled for something cheaper this side of the Atlantic.
In addition, I noticed Jameco also still sells the TL866II Plus. But sadly they’re also in California.
I have a TL866a and a T56, and both are working fine under Wine.
I’ve always found Wine to be a little flaky, so I use XGecu in a windows VM on Linux, and it’s great. Avoid the clones, they can be problematic.