Tried searching for this years ago and canā€™t find it.

I was pretty sure it was Step by Step but I went through every episode description in Wikipedia and didnā€™t see it but that doesnā€™t necessarily mean anything. Google and YouTube are no help.

So Patrick Duffy (or if Iā€™m misremembering, whoever is the male lead of whatever show) is going through a midlife crisis and buys a sports car, though this could just have been for his daily. He gets a vanity plate and he wants it to say ā€œsee loverā€, as in ā€œsee me? Iā€™m a love machineā€. But itā€™s too many letters so he decides to do ā€˜c loverā€™. He gets the plate and it says clover and he canā€™t convince anyone in his family that itā€™s c lover and not clover. Itā€™s dumb as hell but I just want to see that dumb episode because itā€™s been stuck in my head for years and itā€™s like an itch that needs to be scratched.