I decided to quit coffee about a month ago because even though it is not that harmful to my health I realised I only consumed it because of addiction rather than it making my life any better. Considering I abstain from all other social drugs anyway, and it was also the last big source of sugar in my life, that was also convenient.
The constant headache went by in a week or so, but these last two days have been the first time since that I haven’t had sudden urges to nap in the afternoon. I never expected quitting coffee to be so disruptive for such a mild drug, so I can’t even imagine how much worse it would be with alcohol, opioids or crack or doing it while particularly busy. It also helped me get my sleep in order, which I dumbly didn’t even think about beforehand. Heartly recommend trying it out (in your time off!).
I’ve quit caffeine several times but keep coming back to it to get the energy for long study stretches for university. I have successfully quit alcohol, weed, and various other drugs over the past year and a half so i don’t feel too bad about this being the one that sticks lol