Is this a real Libertarian environment?
Am I going to get banned for saying something that all Libertarians should stand for?
Current stat shows 3 users per month. I’m going to guess you will be fine for the time being.
On the contrary, it is strongly encouraged! I created this community with the idea of having an open space for all kinds of libertarian philosophies. Not like the community on reddit that is heavily focused on US politics and represents mostly right wing or even ancap ideology.
Regarding the modding of this community: I’d never just ban people because I don’t sympathize with their ideas. This is an open and free space. Everything that stays on topic and helps a constructive discussion is highly welcome.
How libertarian of you. :)
Aww, what a nice compliment. Sometimes we forget that we should work together and not against us by gatekeeping political ideologies.
Well, I’ve made a reasoned response to someone’s post and haven’t been permabanned, so I have to assume that it’s better here than the authoritarian state that r/libertarian has become!
Never thought I’d be banned from r/Libertarian. On the brightside, I’ve found a new place to discuss the issues we (mostly) all have in common!
From what I’ve seen so far this is a pretty politically neutral place. The only people I’ve seen get shamed for their political beliefs were when 1 or 2 crazy magats started trying to raise a ruckus.
Exactly. I’ll discuss the rewrite of the community info together with you guys in a future post. Currently I don’t have that much time but I see that we already have some nice people here ;)
It is very welcoming. It is better than the r/Libertarian community on Reddit for sure. I enjoy it here.
Hey from your profile I can see that you have many exciting interests I’d love to have some conversations about…
Indeed. Thanks for noticing.