Thanks to the DEA’s massive overreach, for the third time in 5 or so months I’ve had to call a pharmacy outside my area to get my Concerta. My regular pharmacy gave me what they had, which I’m grateful for, but that left me short 7 pills. I then had to:

-Find a pharmacy that had the medicine I needed in the proper dose

-Call my doctor to have him send a new prescription over to that pharmacy since you’re not allowed to just show them your current one

-Drive about 15-20 minutes to get there

-Wait in line, give them my driver’s license (which I don’t have to do at my normal pharmacy) and sign a bunch of shit before finally leaving with it.

I’m just tired of this song and dance. Concerta works best for me though and isn’t too expensive with a coupon. I just want the DEA to stop micromanaging ADHD meds. I understand some oversight is needed but they go way overboard. Feel free to vent your frustration here as well.

    1 year ago

    Honestly I don’t recall the specific organization, but I’ve read that the ADHD med shortage is fully intentional. I think it’s the DEA, but there have recently been deliberate restrictions put into place ostensibly because of potential abuse of ADHD meds. Most of those I think who are “abusing” ADHD meds are actually undiagnosed and self-medicating, but I can’t prove that. Personally I don’t give a **** whether someone who doesn’t need them screws around with them or not. I still need them.