The consumption is the point. They just want candy not a meal. They want fucking marvelslop not Cinema.
Inb4 let people enjoy things, the mindset on display is a perfect member of capitalist society. A mindless consumption machine.
The consumption is the point. They just want candy not a meal. They want fucking marvelslop not Cinema.
Inb4 let people enjoy things, the mindset on display is a perfect member of capitalist society. A mindless consumption machine.
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Let people enjoy critiquing the people critiquing the people who critique people who enjoy things.
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Unlike your very different action of totally not insulting me here.
No, it is. Your treat was criticized and you’re blowing up all over this thread about it.
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New tagline just dropped
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At least give me a little irony
I already directly quoted and linked your own words. I actually don’t know which specific treat myself but you certainly went in guns blazing over it. I assumed it was MCU-related because of the thread’s starting post, but maybe not.
Honestly, it does seem everyone in this stupid fucking “discourse” as a certain “point past legitimacy” that they hold. The thing enjoyers think any criticism of the thing they enjoy is illegitimate. The enjoyers of criticizing the things thing enjoyers enjoy think any counter-criticism to their criticism are illegitimate. The enjoyers of criticizing the enjoyers of criticizing things the thing enjoyers enjoy think any counter-counter-criticism is illegitimate…
Everyone seems to think the buck stops exactly right wherever they are and everyone beyond needs to shut up. But that’s not really how discussions of media work is it? Everyone it constantly making argument and counter arguments that lead into other arguments.
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So your answer is apparently to call me “really stupid” for doing that with three question marks, all while presuming I was insulting you, all because you apparently feel so defensive about your treats that criticisms of those treats (or maybe even the bad parts of their fandom) are taken like personal attacks.
Actually it kind of is here, especially how you frame it with such excessively ungenerous presumptive portrayal, and declared what you think I thought was “really stupid” with three question marks. You don’t want me to share what I think here, and maybe even don’t want me to think it at all. In other words, you apparently do want my thoughts policed.
I didn’t make the edited comic, or that “when thought policing backfires” title for it. But considering how you just reacted to it, maybe it’s on to something.
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I have never watched a marvel movie
Please secure the position of cultural minister after the revolution. The slop rehab programs are going to need your strength.
I wasn’t even talking to you whatsoever until you started by calling me “really stupid.”
If you were actually sorry you wouldn’t have included “totally didn’t insult you in excessive reactive defensiveness over a treat, just called you ‘really stupid’ in the first reply which totally doesn’t count” in this very same reply.
I’m not even going to address the rest because you can’t even own up to what you already did from the start here.
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So much for the tired and going to bed announcement.
Then stop dodging labels and denying what you have already directly done in this thread.
Owning up to it is good and a good start and I sincerely respect that. Yes, that is what I tend to call treat defense and the way you blew up at me from the start seemed like a textbook example of it. It’s not a fatal error and I think it’s best to just accept that you did react the way you did and just back down from that from there.
Things are fine. I don’t hate you. I actually respect you quite a bit now for the vulnerability you’ve just shown. That takes courage.
“Let people enjoy things”
I enjoy being a hater.
Being a hater is incredibly target rich as a Leftist. It’s like being an American in a school.
Constant internal argument, struggle, and contradiction, absolutely primes you to body the nearest lib.
Hexbear is like one of those timeflow altering training pods
My mental health will never recover, but i sure as hell can argue about things.