With the recent updates Memmy has changed drastically and is very different from what it was just a week or two ago. The removal of the traversal feed, and the major rework of most of the ui, has made the app feel a lot more like Apollo. The reason I like Memmy so much compared to other apps is because it felt a lot more unique, it took inspiration from Apollo but it didn’t copy it directly. I just feel like Memmy has somewhat given up on its original idea in place for the Apollo aesthetic. And I want to say that I don’t mean to insult the developers of Memmy or undermine the effort they’ve put into developing the best Lemmy app, but just wanted to share my opinion.

  • LevsgetsoOP
    11 months ago

    Of course, the app evolves and it will probably change even more. I’m just concerned of it becoming too much like Apollo at the expense of its core features.