This comes after Palestinian students were physicallly assaulted by Zionists
Gonna pull my Jew card out, as a non Zionist Jew I feel totally safe. The thing that has worried me most in terms of antisemitism has been the rise of the far right in Europe.
Liberals will praise the brave fighters of the Azov battalion in the same sentence as they condemn Arab students for “antisemitism”
as a non Zionist Jew I feel totally safe
As an American living in America, I don’t feel particularly safe as a tall white middle aged man. Just walking through downtown and looking crosswise at the goon squad that is the HPD, and it gives me the willies. They’re all just looking for an excuse to reenact some grainy video of “How to survive a knife attack” they saw during training. And that’s assuming they’re not drunk or roided up or feeling particularly angry at the world after losing one too many games of Candy Crush.
Maybe after these freaks are done lashing out at me, they might come back around and say I was looking at them too Jewishly. Or maybe my facial hair and slight tan might trigger their “Arab-looking” danger sense. Idfk. All I know is that these guys are constantly looking for fights and aren’t shy about lashing out at the homeless at every chance they get.
Israel’s been pretty damn antisemitic too, I don’t think anyone else has killed more Semitic people in recent memory (other than the US)
There most certainly has been an increase in anti-Semitic expression and actions. There have been assaults of Jewish people outside and Israel and attacks on Synagogues. There have also of course been increases in Islamophobic attacks. This happens every time Israel does this shit. One of its many terrible effects is that by pushing the idea that to criticize Israel is anti-Semitic, and due to the open support of Israel by most large liberal Jewish organizations (which are the most public and influential), and their support of the definition of antisemitism as including criticism of Israel, this leads to many people actually making the inference that antisemitism is correct. In other words it gives cover and justification to anti-Semites.
If you’re in Europe, you are inevitably going to hear a bunch of anti-Semitic shit from every social class and every ethnic and religious group. There have been upticks in attacks on Jews and antisemitic graffiti. It’s probably either far-right white supremacist fascists or its Islamists, but the European governments (e.g. France) are claiming, and the bourgeois media is pushing, that these are also psy-ops from Russia (lmao, these societies are already anti-Semitic, Russia doesn’t need to do anything). In France there have also been a couple Islamists attacks with teachers getting beheaded, though I’m not sure of the teachers background, though often in these cases the reasons given for the attacks are self-evidently anti-Semitic.
A fairer headline would be “Zionist student says they do not feel safe at MIT”
I bet the non-zionists feel pretty damn safe. It’s MIT for fuck’s sake.
Conflating Zionism with being Jewish is bullshit. CNN knows precisely what it’s doing when it does this.
Conflating Zionism with being Jewish is antisemitic
Meanwhile nearby at Brandeis cops were just arresting pro-palestine protestors
wonder how safe people feel in gaza rn
Attacks on both Palestinian and Jewish citizens have increased since the beginning of the war. Both is unacceptable and neither justifies the other.
there is legitimate fear of antisemitism and pretending to be afraid of antisemitism (eg Amy Schumer) because you saw a free parking sign. Considering that she has an Israeli flag I’m leaning more towards the latter.
also, American Jews being more white-passing (yes I know not all Jews have light skin) likely do get attacked less compared to people with darker skin.
Keep in mind the first hate crime after 9/11 was against a Sikh man because an ignorant bigoted American thought he was Muslim.
pretending to be afraid of antisemitism (eg Amy Schumer) because you saw a free parking sign
That was Eve Fartlow.
Amy Schumer has been doing it as well and in an even more unhinged way. Have you not been following the drama involving her DMing random Twitter and Instagram users who posted anything even remotely anti zionist or anti genocide of Palestinians? She goes on these unhinged rants in people’s DMs shifting from accusing them of making her feel unsafe, wanting to kill her, to being anti semites, and calling for the extermination of Palestinians all in the same engagement. She then turns around when enough attention gets drawn to her unacceptable behavior and makes apologies where she claims to be the real victim.
I saw her butchering of the “First they came for…” poem, but I haven’t seen anything after that.
Thats nice and all, but that doesn’t make concerns about the safety of Jews any less valid. The world has become significantly more dangerous for both Jews and Palestinians, and the fact that one group might have it worse does not take away from the concerns of the other. It’s like the classic “Why are you depressed? Other people have it so much worse than you!”
Btw, hate crimes against Arabs are also antisemitism, as by definition both Jews and Arabs are Semites, so I’m not sure how useful this word is in the context of the current conflict.
Btw, hate crimes against Arabs are also antisemitism, as by definition both Jews and Arabs are Semites, so I’m not sure how useful this word is in the context of the current conflict.
This is just wrong. Antisemitism has alway exclusively meant hating Jews.
Due to the root word Semite, the term is prone to being invoked as a misnomer by those who interpret it as referring to racist hatred directed at all “Semitic people” (i.e., those who speak Semitic languages, such as Arabs, Assyrians, and Arameans). This usage is erroneous; the compound word antisemitismus (lit. ‘antisemitism’) was first used in print in Germany in 1879[17] as a “scientific-sounding term” for Judenhass (lit. ‘Jew-hatred’),[18][19][20][21][22] and it has since been used to refer to anti-Jewish sentiment alone.[18][23][24]
When media outlets and “advocacy organizations” lump violent attacks and Palestinian liberation chants together as “antisemitism”, it creates an inflated sense of danger. It even makes people go out of their way to always mention the dangers faced by Jewish people even though the salient issue right now is islamophobia and Palestinian liberation against a genocide.
Consider also that we operate in a propaganda regime that conflates Jewishness and Zionism and where drawing attention to Zionist victimhood plays an important propaganda role for justifying settler colonialism, apartheid, and genocide for Zionists, such as the loser with a Zionist flag behind them in the post.
Also to nitpick, etymology isn’t semantics - antisemitism means anti-Jewish even though there are other semitic peoples.
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Conflating zionism and all jews is antisemitism.
I bet the non-zionist jews at MIT feel perfectly safe. It’s MIT ffs.
I wouldn’t be so sure about that, campus Zionists have been threatening Muslims and anti Zionist Jews while being aided and abetted by the admin.
The world’s also a lot less safe for other Arabs (because they might be mistaken as Palestinian), Indians (because stupid mayos think they’re Arabs), and actual Jews who are dark enough to look like the original Jews instead of Euro-mixed colonizers (could be attacked for being Jewish or mistaken as Palestinian and attacked for that), and also any East Asian person because China is even more doubleplus bad (going on in the background)
basically anyone who isn’t
just business as usual while they still own over half the world’s land
i have noticed that white supremacists have jumped at the opportunity to post antisemitic things in the spotlight and are receiving a lot less criticism, and it’s sad that people use the suffering of others to justify their hate, as it’s directed the wrong way
After the hospital bombing and the response by the media I had a colleague regurgitate some “Jews control the media” nonsense. I pushed back that Judaism isn’t Zionism and this is the normal media response to anything relating to western foreign policy and maintaining US hegemony. Shits depressing.
She shouldn’t feel safe on MIT campus looking like that, either. But entirely because she looks Persian. She’s on Iranian flag sticker on her backpack away from being absolutely brutalized by campus police.
Fascists shouldnt feel safe anywhere
I wonder if the flag in the background has something to do with that.
Unironed flag spotted. Do you think she put it up just in time for this interview?
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