• Pyro
    276 months ago

    It’s odd how poorly phrased the text on that first image is.

    Sign in with work, personal, or school account to access to devices and apps

    Surely it should be:

    Sign in with your work, personal, or school account to access your devices and apps

      • @[email protected]
        66 months ago

        By using Microsoft Neural Copilot™ you agree to the terms of service.

        You give us the right to harvest, process and sell every activity collected.

        To improve your expierence we may display personalized ads in your brain which may or may not lead to unusual behavior.

        You have 20 seconds to comply.

  • originalucifer
    6 months ago

    can you smell that subscription? i can.

    with tpm and this, windows will be service-only and no longer your pc. would you like access to your data by the month or year?

    • @[email protected]
      76 months ago

      This is more along the lines of their implementation of the Citrix Workplace App or Citrix Receiver.

    • Lupec
      6 months ago

      Windows has had some form of that for a while as the “Link to Windows” app on both Android and iOS, this one seems to be focused on cloud Windows streaming

  • AutoTL;DRB
    86 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The app essentially takes the previous Windows 365 app and turns it into a central hub for streaming a copy of Windows from a remote PC, Azure Virtual Desktop, Windows 365, Microsoft Dev Box, and Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Services.

    Microsoft supports multiple monitors through its Windows App, custom display resolutions and scaling, and device redirection for peripherals like webcams, storage devices, and printers.

    The Windows App is also limited to Microsoft’s range of business accounts, but there are signs it will be available to consumers, too.

    The sign-in prompt on the Windows App on Windows (yes that’s a mouthful) suggests you can access the app using a personal Microsoft Account, but this functionality doesn’t work right now.

    We’ve already seen a number of web-powered features appear in Windows 11, with the main search interface dynamically updating from the web, a widgets system, and even Copilot integration.

    The Windows App might just set the stage for consumers to access cloud PCs and Windows apps on devices that don’t run Microsoft’s operating system.

    The original article contains 314 words, the summary contains 171 words. Saved 46%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • @[email protected]
    46 months ago

    The only reason I haven’t gone full time to Ubuntu, which I just installed for the first time a few weeks ago, is I want to play Starfield and Fallout 4. I think I can get Fallout 4 to run, but from what I’ve read Starfield is not able to, yet. When I get done with Starfield, I think I’m done with Windows forever.