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[BUG] Issue here

    11 months ago

    I’m having problems with the communities tab in the most recent release. Entries are sometimes getting duplicated or showing out of order, and I’m experiencing stuttering and slow loading. The app is slow to respond if I try to navigate away from the communities tab- sometimes taking several clicks or seconds to respond- while responsiveness in other tabs is normal. The battery usage has also been noticeably higher than before. I’m on an iPhone 11 pro, 16.5.1.

    • The duplication seemed to continue the longer I stayed in the tab and would cause jumping to other areas without any input on my part.
    • Duplicate entries are clickable links that lead to the correct communities.
    • The issue seems worse the more communities I’m subscribed to. I’ll attach screenshots from the account with the most subscriptions, but other accounts show only one or two duplicates and my account with the fewest subscriptions didn’t have any issues. I unsubscribed from a few on this account and am no longer seeing duplicate entries but am still experiencing the slow loading/high battery usage.
    • Unrelated but certain subscriptions are missing from the tab, notably [email protected]. This community shows up under my communities in other apps I’m testing, but not in Bean; maybe because the display name starts with a / and the other apps are sorting by the actual link?