That one time my neighbour gave us snacks for the family (idk had to do with new years eve and their culture or whatever).
gf didnt trust it so she wanted to throw it away, I tried one.
It wasnt a bad snack. My gripe is that our walls are very thin thus you can hear everything even when a faucet gets turned on.
I later realized they dont wash their hands after taking a shit. I hear a flush and never hear the faucet turn on except when they have a visitor. I ate snacks made with doodoo hands 😭
That one time my neighbour gave us snacks for the family (idk had to do with new years eve and their culture or whatever).
gf didnt trust it so she wanted to throw it away, I tried one. It wasnt a bad snack. My gripe is that our walls are very thin thus you can hear everything even when a faucet gets turned on.
I later realized they dont wash their hands after taking a shit. I hear a flush and never hear the faucet turn on except when they have a visitor. I ate snacks made with doodoo hands 😭
Dookie hands are no bueno bro
this just sounds like an evil prank