Context: I live in a smallish to medium sized town in England with no existing socialist/ communist/ anarchist societies or groups that I know of present. The closest I can think of is that we have a Green Party candidate (which is a pretty socialist party)

I’ve been consuming leftist content for quite a while now - I’d say my deprogramming kind of started during the coronavirus lockdowns but I really started considering myself socialist around 2 years ago. I’m tired of having these beliefs that I don’t really seem to act on other than having the odd discussion with friends - I was wondering how I can start mobilising within the community to get real change done. How can I start meeting politically likeminded people in my community. I feel like it’s hard to get together as no one ever says they’re a communist that often.

Thanks in advance.

  • Damn, I really wish I knew portugese at this moment 🥲 - sounds like the PCP is a good case study (especially the owning the streets part) so I’ll definitely take a look at learning more about them. Thanks for the in-depth answer.