Literally just mainlining marketing material straight into whatever’s left of their rotting brains.

  • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    Lol, ‘idealist axiom’. These things can’t even fucking reason out complex math from first principles. That’s not a ‘view that humans are special’ that is a very physical limitation of this particular neural network set-up.

    Sentience is characterized by feeling and sensory awareness, and an ability to have self-awareness of those feelings and that sensory awareness, even as it comes and goes with time.

    Edit: Btw computers are way better at most math, particularly arithmetic, than humans. Imo, the first thing a ‘sentient computer’ would be able to do is reason out these notoriously difficult CS things from first principles and it is extremely telling that that is not in any of the literature or marketing as an example of ‘sentience’.

    Damn this whole thing of dancing around the question and not actually addressing my points really reminds me of a ChatGPT answer. It would n’t surprise me if you were using one.

      10 months ago

      Lol, ‘idealist axiom’. These things can’t even fucking reason out complex math from first principles. That’s not a ‘view that humans are special’ that is a very physical limitation of this particular neural network set-up.

      If you read it carefully you’d see I said your worldview was idealist, not the AIs.

      Sentience is characterized by feeling and sensory awareness

      AI can get sensory input and process it.

      Can you name one way a human does it that a machine cannot, or are you relying on a gut feeling that when you see something and identify it it’s different than when a machine process camera input? Same for any other sense really.

      If you can’t name one way, then your belief in human exceptionalism is not based in materialism.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        10 months ago

        AI can get sensory input and process it.

        LLMs are not “AI.”

        “AI” is a marketing hype label that you have outright swallowed, shat out over a field of credulity, fertilized that field with that corporate hype shit, planted hype seeds, waited for those hype seeds to sprout and blossom, reaped those hype grains, ground those hype grains into hype flour, made a hype cake, baked that hype cake, put candles on it to celebrate the anniversary of ChatGPT’s release, ate the entire cake, licked the tray clean, got an upset stomach from that, then stumbled over, squatted down, and shat it out again to write your most recent reply.

        Nothing you are saying has any standing with actual relevant academia. You have bought into the hype to a comical degree and your techbro clown circus is redundant, if impressively long. How long are you going to juggle billionaire sales pitches and consider them actual respectable computer science?

        How many times are you going to outright ignore links I’ve already posted over and over again stating that your position is derived from marketing and has no viable place in actual academia?

        If you can’t name one way, then your belief in human exceptionalism is not based in materialism.

        Your contrarian jerkoff contempt for humanity (and living beings in general) doesn’t make you particularly logical or beyond emotional bias. Also take those leftist jargon words out of your mouth; you’re parroting billionaire fever dreams and takes likely without the riches to back you up, effectively making you a temporarily-embarrassed bourgeoisie bootlicker.

          10 months ago

          I’ve been checking in on this whole thread and this is my all time favourite comment on it, maybe my all time favourite comment on the website.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            10 months ago

            I’m glad you enjoyed it!

            Because that Reddit clown keeps sliding and squeaking around dodging any and all good faith confrontation of their ongoing spraying of the firehose of bullshit, I’ll keep copypasting the part you liked in each of their attempts to avoid another person with a sourced or learned counterpoint to their techbro hype gobbling.

              10 months ago

              I have noticed that. They’ve been avoiding every argument they don’t have any sort of comeback to. I think a ppb or pointing and laughing emote would be fine though.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                10 months ago

                I’m becoming fond of jagoff because it represents their perspective and their goals regarding “what if Blade Runner real and what if Blade Runner waifu wants me?!”

      • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
        10 months ago

        What the fuck are you talking about. I was indicating that I thought it was absurd that you think my belief system is ‘idealist’ when I am talking about actual physical limitations of this system that will likely prevent it from ever achieving sentience, as well as would be good indicators of a system that has achieved sentience because it can overcome those limitations.

        You are so fucking moronic you might as well be a chat-bot, no wonder you think it’s sentient.

        It is ‘feeling and sensory input and the ability to have self-awareness about that feeling and sensory input’ not just straight sensory input. Literally what are you talking about. Machines still can’t spontaneously identify new information that is outside of the training set, they can’t even identify what should or shouldn’t be a part of the training set. Again, that is a job that a human has to do for the machine. The thinking, value feeling and identification has to be done first by a human, which is a self-aware process done by humans. I would be more convinced of the LLM ‘being sentient’ if when you asked it what the temperature was it would, spontaneously and without previous prompting, say ‘The reading at such and such website says it is currently 78 degrees, but I have no real way of knowing that TreadOnMe, the sensors could be malfunctioning or there could be a mistake on the website, the only real way for you to know what the temperature is to go outside and test it for yourself and hope your testing equipment is also not bad. If it is that though, that is what I have been told from such and such website feels like ‘a balmy summer day’ for humans, so hopefully you enjoy it.’

        I don’t believe ‘humans are exceptional’ as I’ve indicated multiple times, there are plenty of animals that arguably demonstrate sentience, I just don’t believe that this particular stock of neural network LLM’s demonstrate even the basic level of actual feeling, sensory processing input, or self-awareness to be considered sentient.

          10 months ago

          That’s a lot of tangents and name calling.

          I was indicating that I thought it was absurd that you think my belief system is ‘idealist’ when I am talking about actual physical limitations of this system that will likely prevent it from ever achieving sentience,

          Then name what you think would limit sentience in machines, that humans are magically exempt from.

          You clearly have a view that something is different, but you just write walls of text avoiding any clear distinction, getting angry and calling me names.

          If you had any idea of what would “physically” stop silicon from doing what organic matter can do, you’d name it. And in every post you make, longer than the last, you fail to do that.

          Since you can’t keep civil or answer a simple question, I’m going to peace out of this convo ✌️

              10 months ago

              Can you name a single difference between the two?

              Using concrete materialist language, not vague terms or idealist woo.

              Failing over and over again to answer a simple, single question doesn’t suddenly become badass because you acted like a juvenile throughout it.

              • Mindfury [he/him]
                10 months ago

                throughout it.

                throughout what? I’ve replied to you exactly once.

                and I posted that reply to demonstrate to you and everyone else reading along that your civility fetishism means absolutely fucking nothing here. no is forced to answer you, and no one is required to reply to you with the tone or wording that you demand. shut the fuck up you idealist nerd.

                  10 months ago

                  throughout what? I’ve replied to you exactly once.

                  First I addressed the behavior of the poster you defended.

                  Second: Why do you think I emphasized the you in the last comment? Where I’m from it would imply your a different person I’m addressing now.

                  With that sorted out: Anyone could, but no one can, because there’s no reason for faith, so there’s nothing to share. This community takes an idealist take, not a materialist one.

                  I understand what you’re saying. Civility doesn’t matter because your ideals are solid, but you wouldn’t waste the time on defending them. You would waste an equal amount of time writing out immature comments avoiding the point in question though. But that doesn’t count, because your being ironic- whereas the coherent comment does count because that’s got to take a lot of effort.

                  It’s a good excuse for idealists, because they don’t look good when they take it seriously. Materialists tend to humor people with civility because they do convince anyone watching.

                  • m532 [she/her]
                    10 months ago

                    Materialists tend to humor people with civility because they do convince anyone watching.

                    Wtf? Do you want to claim that materialists fall for scammers?

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    I’m going to peace out of this convo ✌️

                    Still waiting for you to fuck off.

                    LLMs are not “AI.”

                    “AI” is a marketing hype label that you have outright swallowed, shat out over a field of credulity, fertilized that field with that corporate hype shit, planted hype seeds, waited for those hype seeds to sprout and blossom, reaped those hype grains, ground those hype grains into hype flour, made a hype cake, baked that hype cake, put candles on it to celebrate the anniversary of ChatGPT’s release, ate the entire cake, licked the tray clean, got an upset stomach from that, then stumbled over, squatted down, and shat it out again to write your most recent reply.

                    Nothing you are saying has any standing with actual relevant academia. You have bought into the hype to a comical degree and your techbro clown circus is redundant, if impressively long. How long are you going to juggle billionaire sales pitches and consider them actual respectable computer science?

                    How many times are you going to outright ignore links I’ve already posted over and over again stating that your position is derived from marketing and has no viable place in actual academia?

                    Also, your contrarian jerkoff contempt for humanity (and living beings in general) doesn’t make you particularly logical or beyond emotional bias.

                    Also, take those leftist jargon words out of your mouth, especially “materialism;” you’re parroting billionaire fever dreams and takes likely without the riches to back you up, effectively making you a temporarily-embarrassed bourgeoisie-style bootlicker without an actual understanding of the Marxist definition of the word.

                    I’ll keep reposting this link until you or your favorite LLM treat printer digests it for you enough for you to understand.


              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                10 months ago

                I’m going to peace out of this convo ✌️

                Fucking liar. Like so much else you pretended was argued here, you continue to be a fucking liar.

                LLMs are not “AI.”

                “AI” is a marketing hype label that you have outright swallowed, shat out over a field of credulity, fertilized that field with that corporate hype shit, planted hype seeds, waited for those hype seeds to sprout and blossom, reaped those hype grains, ground those hype grains into hype flour, made a hype cake, baked that hype cake, put candles on it to celebrate the anniversary of ChatGPT’s release, ate the entire cake, licked the tray clean, got an upset stomach from that, then stumbled over, squatted down, and shat it out again to write your most recent reply.

                Nothing you are saying has any standing with actual relevant academia. You have bought into the hype to a comical degree and your techbro clown circus is redundant, if impressively long. How long are you going to juggle billionaire sales pitches and consider them actual respectable computer science?

                How many times are you going to outright ignore links I’ve already posted over and over again stating that your position is derived from marketing and has no viable place in actual academia?

                Also, your contrarian jerkoff contempt for humanity (and living beings in general) doesn’t make you particularly logical or beyond emotional bias.

                Also, take those leftist jargon words out of your mouth, especially “materialism;” you’re parroting billionaire fever dreams and takes likely without the riches to back you up, effectively making you a temporarily-embarrassed bourgeoisie-style bootlicker without an actual understanding of the Marxist definition of the word.

                I’ll keep reposting this link until you or your favorite LLM treat printer digests it for you enough for you to understand.


          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            10 months ago

            Fuck off you hypocritical crybully jerkoff.

            You keep imagining positions that no one here fucking took, such as the one where you pretended we said that artificial intelligence was impossible just because we’re not heralding LLMs as “AI” unlike you buying into marketing bullshit, or your fantasy where you pretended that anyone here said that human beings with the power of love and friendship would always overcome machines in the same task.

            All of your positions are fantasies, both of your enemies and what you think LLM treat printers do.

            I’m going to peace out of this convo ✌️

            You won’t for long, but you should. You should go back to Reddit’s Tesla circlejerk subs and report your failure to LARP as a leftist to peddle Elon’s products, then atone by buying another toy “flamethrower.” jagoff

            LLMs are not “AI.”

            “AI” is a marketing hype label that you have outright swallowed, shat out over a field of credulity, fertilized that field with that corporate hype shit, planted hype seeds, waited for those hype seeds to sprout and blossom, reaped those hype grains, ground those hype grains into hype flour, made a hype cake, baked that hype cake, put candles on it to celebrate the anniversary of ChatGPT’s release, ate the entire cake, licked the tray clean, got an upset stomach from that, then stumbled over, squatted down, and shat it out again to write your most recent reply.

            Nothing you are saying has any standing with actual relevant academia. You have bought into the hype to a comical degree and your techbro clown circus is redundant, if impressively long. How long are you going to juggle billionaire sales pitches and consider them actual respectable computer science?

            How many times are you going to outright ignore links I’ve already posted over and over again stating that your position is derived from marketing and has no viable place in actual academia?

            Also, your contrarian jerkoff contempt for humanity (and living beings in general) doesn’t make you particularly logical or beyond emotional bias.

            Also, take those leftist jargon words out of your mouth, especially “materialism;” you’re parroting billionaire fever dreams and takes likely without the riches to back you up, effectively making you a temporarily-embarrassed bourgeoisie-style bootlicker without an actual understanding of the Marxist definition of the word.

            I’ll keep reposting this link until you or your favorite LLM treat printer digests it for you enough for you to understand.