• blindsight@beehaw.org
    7 months ago

    I know one ridiculous job you could have done this for.

    There were three people whose full-time job was data entry. Except this wasn’t from paper or anything hard. Their job was literally to take data from one digital source and input it (manually) into a different digital system.

    My friend depended on the reliability of this data to do her job and she was constantly getting errors and blowback from data inaccuracies from the mistakes they were making. I’d previously given her some light training on databases (like, Microsoft Access basics, not even SQL). So she built a simple database to act as middleware between the two systems, making all three jobs redundant.

    I think about that a lot.

    I would have loved to have one of those jobs before my friend destroyed them. I’d hide away in the corner and have an AutoHotkey script (slowly) do all the work in a background window while I do whatever the hell I want all day. I could get a remote job and work two jobs at once. Go back to school. Write a novel. And still have 4 hours/day to dick around on the internet.

    And my managers would love me because my data would be errorless.

    • tok
      7 months ago

      free time to actually do stuff without feeling guilty? the dream.

      what do you do now? is it bearable?

        • tok
          7 months ago

          damn. that’s nice. wish I could do that 🤣 focus on my hobbies, actually rest, be able to read and enjoy a book.

          i have daydreamt about that my entire life 😅

          unfortunately I have to find something that pays the bills AND that is bearable. that’s the hard part.

            • tok
              7 months ago

              I can’t find time and honestly I don’t think I enjoy most things anymore. my rest time is spent thinking about how I should be doing something to change my situation. instead do nothing/watch TV series and then feel bad about it 😅

              you mentioned piano. I had a lot of fun with it for a few months until I started to feel “wanted time”.

              a few years ago I bought one, learned the basics and started to feel that feeling of wasting time. at first, I actually had fun with it. it was so interesting learning/practicing. I just couldn’t justify time spent anymore. it’s stored away now.

              can’t even play video games anymore which I loved because… can’t enjoy them with this constant feeling of having to do something productive that actually helps/improve my life. tired of this feeling. I’ve been feeling it for the last 20 years. it’s gotten bad lately.

              my life desperately needs to improve financially. that’s my hard reality.