I’m about to move out of California at long last, to restore an old house in a distant land, start the initial planning phases of growing my own food on a larger scale around it, and a while after that, experience fatherhood for the first time.
I won’t be completely off the grid, but I really don’t like using my phone for anything but phone calls, and posting here while I have so many other things that take priority would be a really annoying and counterproductive distraction that I might get pulled into anyway if I got carried away or got into lurking and then saw someone proverbially wrong on the internet. I know very well how that tends to go by now.
I may return someday, probably when I have time to complete my next novel. It is currently a work in progress, and I will almost certainly want to share it here when it is done.
Until then, may you never stop posting, comrades!
She was consistently reactionary about veganism and got herself banned and unbanned like four times in the span of a couple weeks because of it.