I remember there was a bug (or intended behavior?) of people getting their accounts banned for certain kinds of mundane chat messages in live streams and I’m a little spooked that the same will happen with the recent escalation in the adblocking arms race.

  • ped_xing [he/him]@hexbear.net
    7 months ago

    Did that actually go into effect yet? I only remember it being floated as a possibility. When I searched “x price” to find out how much they’re charging, the results were a demonstration of how bad of a name “X” is:

    1. Price of US Steel (NYSE: X)
    2. Price of the X coin
    3. Coin
    4. US Steel
    5. XPRIZE, an engineering contest thing partially funded by melon-musk
    6. Tesla Model X
    7. Coin
    8. Coin
    9. XPRIZE
    10. iPhone X

    Anyway, after refining my search, it looks like requiring a paid subscription to post is being piloted in New Zealand and the Philippines.