Milord has no choice but to take measures against the other peasants who have been possessed by woke transgender demons to steal from him 😔

  • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    For the record I eat tofu maybe once a week. The seed oil issue is not the phytoestrogens, it’s the polyunsaturated fat, and it’s not just soybean oil it’s any oil with high polyfats (corn cottonseed, etc). And it doesn’t “feminize” you (chuds are just small pp and therefore obsessed with feminization), it just does bad stuff in general, depending on your phenotype

    chuds have only found out about this since 2019 or so (they are incapable of anything original), I’ve been avoiding them (not religiously) since 2010. And my health got a lot better after doing so. I had liver spots that disappeared after doing this and my scalp got a lot less greasy, and my hair quality improved. Behavioral changes too, much less agitated and intense and “overly focused”, more flexible, higher attention span

    I also experienced similar effects when taking aspirin, which is a known inhibitor of the enzyme which transforms those polyfats into inflammatory prostaglandins. Obviously taking drugs isn’t the most “natural” thing so I’d rather just lower the polyfat intake at the start of the chain

    I should also mention that I’m ancestrally from a tropical climate, and the whole point of polyunsaturated fat aka the reason it even exists, is so that it survives freezing temps which only happen in temperate climates. (think about what happens when you put coconut oil in the fridge, now imagine what that does to the coconut seed–any saturated fat crop in a temperate climate would just instantly go extinct since all its seeds would die from the fat freezing and destroying its tissues)

    So the seed oils are probably fine, and maybe even necessary, for most mayos and east asians (and probably latinos since Native Americans came from the north) who evolved eating tons of polyfat crops with no alternative. Again this is just a generalization and there are all sorts of individual phenotypes in every group

    If anything the people who need to be avoiding seed oils the most are Black and Indian people generally speaking