I wish people wouldn’t downvote comments like this. The downvote button isn’t an “I disagree with you” button and downvoting people just because you disagree with their opinion is silly.
I have been actively using GNOME for about a year now, honestly, it is the best one out of all of the desktop enviorments availible right now. I’m also pretty sure GNOME just got $1M+ to continue working on it. I don’t mind the look, it is very simple.
I really don’t see the worth in hassling with KDE. Theres nothing wrong with GNOME
Maybe not for you. For me, I spend hours fiddling with it trying to get it the way I want, get frustrated, and eventually go back to KDE.
I used to love Gnome. Now I hate how it looks. Looks like they tried to mix MacOS and Android and just royally botched it.
I think they nailed it
It’s what a desktop should look like
I wish people wouldn’t downvote comments like this. The downvote button isn’t an “I disagree with you” button and downvoting people just because you disagree with their opinion is silly.
Well the good news is that you are free to use whatever you want
I have been actively using GNOME for about a year now, honestly, it is the best one out of all of the desktop enviorments availible right now. I’m also pretty sure GNOME just got $1M+ to continue working on it. I don’t mind the look, it is very simple.
That link is incorrect. Should be![gnome-look.org](https://www.gnome-look.org)